Suhkasana the easy pose. Suhka literally means easy or another way to think about easefulness is really a sense of freedom like when things feel easeful there is a sense of spacious freedom so that is...
I'm Pam Radar and today we're going to be looking at the perfect pose to alleviate low back pain this is a super easy pose that anyone can do, you just need a wall so I'm gonna...
The next pose Gina and I are going to demonstrate is Janu Sirsasana or Head to Knee Pose. Again that's a really good stretch for your hamstring. We're going to face each other and...
Gina and I are going to come in to a side stretch called the Diamond Pose. We're going to start by facing each other. We're going to extend our front leg out to the side and press into...
Carrie is joining Gina and me so that we can demonstrate a pose that you can do with any number of people. We are going to do a spinal twist. We are going to come all facing each other in a little...
Gina's going to help me demonstrate another combine pose where I'm going to come in to half shoulder stand and Gina's going to come in to a Bridge Pose. So, we're going...
From Lunge Pose, take your back knee. Let's do the right knee this time. So, take your right knee down to the floor. Left leg is forward. Then, inhale and take your hands up to your front...
From Dandasana, bend your right knee and place the right foot on the floor inside the left leg. And, the right heel can be a little wider than the sits bone. That should give you some more space. It...
To work on the alignment of warrior one, you can use a wall. It also helps stretch out the legs a little bit more than if you were standing in the middle of the room. Emily, turn around. It's...