This is Rachel Cosgrove for Sleek/Strong. Today, we're going to talk about foam rolling. Foam rolling is one of the most important things you can do for your body, but one of the most often...
Great, you are becoming such an experienced Poi spinner that now you can do the frontwards and the backwards weave. And as we put this all together, let's learn how to turn to combine them...
A favorite pose of many yogis is Pigeon Pose. We have made a nice modification for Pigeon Pose so you can also experience it in prenatal yoga. I am going to have Emily here coming into Table Top,...
This next pose is royal pigeon and it will be demonstrated both as royal pigeon and resting pigeon. So hands planted on the Earth, we are bringing the right knee as it is bent forward. We are planting...
So laying flat on your back, have a strap nearby. First, make sure that you're lined up evenly from the mid-line or the central axis of your body, so just make sure that your legs are hip...
Willie and Gina are going to help me demonstrate a really fun pose called Heaven and Earth. In this particular pose Willie is going to be the heaven and Gina is going to get to be the Earth because we...
Hi I'm Niki, today we're working on a special video addition of the Tweak and Eat column we're making adult version of the popsicle using fresh mango, ginger and basil, so...
Hi I'm Melody on behalf of Expert Village I'm going to continue on and show you how we would set up our board. First what I do I take a piece of paper to make my decision, I already...



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