Hello. Today we're going to learn Yoga fish pose which is said to be helpful to make your posture better. First relax and lie on your back. straighten your arms, then put your hands under your...
In this pose we're going to be demonstrating pincha mayurasana or the scorpion arm balance pose. So we're going to ask Rissa to come on down and kneel right here facing this direction....
Hi! My name is Leta Koontz. I'm a yoga instructor at Schoolhouse Yoga located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'm speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. Next we're going to...
Willie and Gina are going to help me demonstrate a really fun pose called Heaven and Earth. In this particular pose Willie is going to be the heaven and Gina is going to get to be the Earth because we...
Coming up on this episode of the Endurance Zone. Have a woman cheating on her diet can cost her husband the podium? Have the lack of bladder control just might be the key indicator of optimum fitness?...
Good Morning, Good evening Good afternoon. What ever time it is for you. It is a nice time to step away It is a nice time to step away take a break and take care of ourselves Lets take some time here...
Hey guys this is Shanil from Hanging Lotus Yoga. Today I'm going to talk about standing lunges and some standing variations of lunges. Now, the lunges in this tutorial, I designed to help you...
Mukarasana Crocodile is the second most relaxing pose second only to Shavasan, the corpse pose for relaxation. I am going to ask Willie to lay down on his belly. He is going to put one hand on top of...
A lying hamstring stretch assisted by your partner is a really great way to wind down your practice to be prepared to come into your final resting pose. So we're going to do that with Willie...
Another great way to practice tree pose with a partner is to go in opposing directions. So I'm going to ask Gina to turn around and we're coming into tree hugger, so we're...