Hi, I'm Nolan Oldham. And I'm speaking on behalf of Expert Village, and this is tips on how to be a drum major. One of the big things out here is when you're a drum major, you...



A great way to free the energy in the spine is with the restorative pose called Apanasana. Gina's going to help demonstrate that for me today. So she's going to come on down laying on...
So laying flat on your back, have a strap nearby. First, make sure that you're lined up evenly from the mid-line or the central axis of your body, so just make sure that your legs are hip...
Utanasana, which is the standing forward bend, but this time we turn it into a shoulder stretch by clasping our hands behind the back. So start by lengthening your side waist line and opening to a...
MARCELLE LEE: All right, moving right into the next position. Pressing the chest up, elbows in front of the chest, very good. Now, picking the hips up, bringing the knees in. All right, coming into a...
Child's Pose Purpose – stretches the hips, thighs and ankles gently, it is a resting pose that can be done to proceed or follow any pose. Start on your hands and knees with your feet and your...
To release the back, the lower back in particular, the child posture is used by taking the knees out to the sides of the mat. Take them out to the sides of the mats, sit back towards your heels and...
A nice way to re-group at the end of the day, it's a very soothing position is Supported Child's Pose. So you can take a bolster, you can take couch cushions, whichever you have. I...
Now, we get to play like we’re a dog. If you have a dog, imagine how your dog stretches as they get up. Bring your hands down to your chair. Keep the arms straight and start walking your feet back....