Your partner is going to come onto their back. They are going to bring their knees up to their chest and you are going to bring your hand to their chin and you are just going to gently press their...
Another great relaxation pose to relieve tension in the spine is with elevated legs. Gina is going to demonstrate this without a wall at this point so she is just going to lay on these blankets. She...
Now I would like to demonstrate this deep yoga breath. Remembering that this is a breath that you have breathed as babies. Only you have forgotten. So its going to be very easy to relearn that...
So this is a really nice exercise to do; an exercise that you have to do with another person but it is a really nice exercise to do with another person. Monique who teaches a lot of work shops for...
I'm Julie Branum. Coming from utasana or standing forward fold, take a nice deep breath in and lengthen the chest up away from the thighs. Good on your exhale bring your arms along side the...
So, with our knees up, we're going to drop them down underneath the right elbow, and turn the head down along the extended arm. Now, we're going to take the bottom leg, and...
So you purposely come onto their belly, tuck the tail bone under, chin on the ground, arms at the sides and then you are going to step on either side of your partner's legs and reach out and...
So come to a squatting position and it is okay if your heels are off the floor. You and your partner are going to hold hands and you are just going to lean back just like your tailbone drop down...
So you are purposely gong to come into chow's pose. It comes together, needs apart, forehead down into the ground. You are going to come and you are going to bring your tailbone so...
Pigeon pose over blanket. So go ahead and bring your left knee forward, grab your blankets and move them towards the front of your left knee. Bring your right leg out behind you. See your left knee is...