A favorite pose of many yogis is Pigeon Pose. We have made a nice modification for Pigeon Pose so you can also experience it in prenatal yoga. I am going to have Emily here coming into Table Top,...
So, from the position with the leg lying down in front of the body, we want to bend the extended leg at the knee so the leg is pointing up, so the foot is pointing up. Then, the same hand is going to...
In this pose we're going to be demonstrating pincha mayurasana or the scorpion arm balance pose. So we're going to ask Rissa to come on down and kneel right here facing this direction....
This next pose is royal pigeon and it will be demonstrated both as royal pigeon and resting pigeon. So hands planted on the Earth, we are bringing the right knee as it is bent forward. We are planting...
So laying flat on your back, have a strap nearby. First, make sure that you're lined up evenly from the mid-line or the central axis of your body, so just make sure that your legs are hip...
Willie and Gina are going to help me demonstrate a really fun pose called Heaven and Earth. In this particular pose Willie is going to be the heaven and Gina is going to get to be the Earth because we...
Hi I'm Laura Martini pigeon pose is a great way to help open up your hips and your bum muscles today I'm going to show you how to go deeper in pigeon pose to begin take your front foot...
Begin seated with the legs extended in front of you. Allow the left toes to roll outward, opening up the hip, then bend the knee and pull the left heel towards the pelvis. Grab the ankle to draw the...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...