Hello, my name is Samantha Raphael on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip I'll be demonstrating One Legged Forward Fold. To begin, take both legs out in front of you, flex your feet, spread...
So this next movement is simply rolling the spine forward and down. So it is sort of bringing the element of water into the spine and into the body and if you imagine all of the blood and water that...
Final meditation. So go ahead and bring one hand over your dogs heart and the other hand over your own heart. Again breathing deeply and slowly. Listen to the sound of your breath and fill in the...
Gina and I are going to demonstrate for you now another seated spinal twist. We are going to just come in and face each other and to come into a regular seated twist you are going to cross your right...
Navasana, boat pose is a core strengthener. It's more of a strengthening pose, than it is a flexibility pose. So we're going to begin with planting the soles of your feet so that the...
Coming into Boat Pose. Let's start by balancing on our sitting bones. So finding those two bones on either side, finding balance between the two. And let's walk our feet up,...
Upavistha Ardha Chandrasana, Seated Half Moon. We're again going to do this pose from Sukhasana, just find an easy position that you can maintain, that you feel the sit bones firmly grounded,...
In this clip, I'll be showing you a gentle variation of a seated twist, for seniors, or those who have limited range of mobility, due to injury or illness, so sitting in your chair. Go ahead...
So again standing back to back, we are going to separate our feet about the length of one of her legs. We are going to turn back 45 degrees and our front foot is pointing forward. We are going to...
And, to end any practice after you have done your standing Asanas, as well as your seated Asanas, which are all postures, you want to finish off with Shivasina, or Corpse Pose. Many people feel like...