So in this clip we're going to come into cat and cow pose. So if you started seating, begin to lift up off your seat, come onto hands and knees, and Amy will be demonstrating here....
Hi YouTube yogis So this video is going to be a tutorial of wild thing. So I am going to do it in sections, from basics so you can get the alignment and then move it through from a down dog, the final...
Next we'll be focusing on Side Plank. And I'll also be demonstrating some options that you can add unto your Side Plank with. So let's begin. Let's find our shoulders...
You want to make sure that you’re ready for a full backbend before you attempt a wheel at home without assistance, it’s best to use this as opposed to learning in class. And then to practice when...
Begin lying flat on your back. Plant the feet hips-width apart on the floor about six inches in front of your bum. Extend the arms down by your sides with palms flat on the floor. Press down through...
Hi, in this clip we're going to work on the beginning of a back bend. So, already Amy is here on hands and knees, she's going to straighten her right leg and then her left leg and come...
In this series we'll be focusing on advance postures and also some twists. It's very important to remember when we're practicing advance poses that they take time, they take...
We're starting to move into the center portion, the middle portion of our sun salutations. So starting from the beginning again, we've inhaled up, diving forward, inhale, and stepping...
Coming into Boat Pose. Let's start by balancing on our sitting bones. So finding those two bones on either side, finding balance between the two. And let's walk our feet up,...
Setu Bandhasana, Bridge pose. We're going to do Bridge pose as a supported pose, encouraging the shoulders to be grounded, encouraging lifting the sternum toward the chin. Often times people...