PRANAMASANA - pozycja modlitewna stań prosto zwracając się twarzą w kierunku słońca a jeśli go brak to na wschód połącz nogi razem wyprostuj ciało po linii przebiegającej od stóp do czubka głowy....



You want to make sure that you’re ready for a full backbend before you attempt a wheel at home without assistance, it’s best to use this as opposed to learning in class. And then to practice when...
Hi, I'm Priscilla Flynn. I am speaking with you from Yoga Sanctuary, in Windham New Hampshire and you can read more about us on our website, Today's clip is about...
Garudasana, Eagle. Eagle is a great pose. It's going to hit all twelve joints of your body, so you're going to gain length or openness in your joints and you're going to gain...
In this set of videos, we're going to explore standing series poses. The best place to start finding misalignments in your body is in your standing poses. So we want to pay attention to what...
In this series we'll be focusing on advance postures and also some twists. It's very important to remember when we're practicing advance poses that they take time, they take...
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, revolved side angle. I strongly recommend that you have already viewed this pose in the first series. We're going to begin ourselves this today, we're going...
Warrior left, separate your feet out, turn your left foot away from you. Look down at your left heel; it should be in line with the right ankle. Hands on the hip, turn your pelvis forward, take your...
Hi, we're going to present ourself in Tadasana, mountain pose. This pose begins in the soles of your feet. So we're going to take a look down at the soles of your feet, and see that...
Garbhasana, Child's pose. Supported Child's pose is just a delicious pose. She's going to spend her time resting in Child's pose, which is your vacation home, anytime...