Ardha Matsyendrasana, half lord of the fishes. As in all of our poses, we need to be balanced in the sit bones. We're going to extend your right leg, grounding the heel, activating that leg....
Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, three limbed head to knee pose. We're going to start off by extending your right leg into Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. Then we're going to...
The last pose that I would love to demonstrate with Annika that we could find in position thirteen, which is an inhale in a super fun sunsalute vinyasa, would be the bow pose. This would be kind of...
So the next series is a Bali-Seal which is a movement on the breast that helps to release tension from the shoulders and also the back of the body. So you can start with your hips on your heels and...
So get up from your seated position. This time we are going to bring legs up straight. Again our short legs and the back of our heads pressing into towards one another. We are going to inhale and your...
So the next pose is a reclining twist. So you’ll want to start with your knees pulled into your chest, tuck your chin into your chest, and roll down onto your back and take your arms out into a “T”...
Coming up either out of Downward Dog or Child's Pose, we're going to do Swan which is prone the opposite direction of your Pigeon Pose. Hands right underneath the shoulders. Knees hid...
So this pose is a back bend, it’s called bridge pose. It’s where you start on your back, with your knees bent, and your feet hip with the part. So, like we’ve been talking about all along, hip with...
With rag doll again, with a standing posture, the heels are together, toes apart, mountain postures. And then take those hands and just shake those hands right down. Now when you shake those fingers,...
With the table posture, just take your hands down to the mat and sit right now. Take your hands with the palms right into the floor, sometimes you find it easier by taking the fingers out versus right...