This next pose is royal pigeon and it will be demonstrated both as royal pigeon and resting pigeon. So hands planted on the Earth, we are bringing the right knee as it is bent forward. We are planting...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...
Hi, my name is Cindy Mastry with Yoga Etc. Studio on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we're going to demonstrate the tree and half lotus with a forward fold. This is April and...
Let's begin our balance postures with tree pose. So we'll start by bringing all of our weight on to the left leg, focusing all of our weight on that leg. Then we can begin to lift the...
From a downward dog position, plank is great for strengthening the whole body it utilizes a push up position. But were going to add a balance challenge of extending opposite arm and opposite leg...
Marichyasana 1. We're going to begin by extending your left leg, grounding both sit bones, so that we find equal; that we're lifting the spine. And then we're going to go...
Pavrita Sukhasana, revolved easy pose. Easy pose is any posture that you're comfortable in, so that you can sit here, maintain, and enjoy. It's one of the poses that you can use for...
Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, three limbed head to knee pose. We're going to start off by extending your right leg into Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. Then we're going to...
Supta Baddha Konasana is a reclined bound angle, and it's a restorative pose. So, we'll begin ourself in Konasana, but we're not going to worry ourselves with alignment, and...
Extended Side Angle, Utthita Parsvakonasana. I strongly urge you to have already view this pose in the first series. We're going to use a strap to assist in this pose. And the way that you...