Vrksasana, Tree Pose. Tree Pose begins with the balance and stability the soles of your feet. So if you're beginning in Tadasana, we'll check that we have stability in the soles of...
Hello, my name is Scott Salder. I am here on behalf of Expert Village. Some more standing poses which we will tie together into the flow series afterwards. Left toe is left, hips square We take the...
The next part of the Vinyasa Flow series that I've been building on is Artautanasana which is arching up from forward bend. So what you'll do is start with Mountain Pose which I did go...
Utanasana, which is the standing forward bend, but this time we turn it into a shoulder stretch by clasping our hands behind the back. So start by lengthening your side waist line and opening to a...
I’m Susan Epperly. Welcome to another edition of our Clinical Massage Therapy vlog. This vlog entry comes from an article that I wrote for our December 2009 e-mail newsletter. This article was the...
Hi I’m Adrienne and this is Yoga Basics. Setting a Strong Foundation with Tadasana. Let's begin at your base. Stand with feet parallel, toes pointing forward. Experiment with the placement of...
So from Ardha Chandrasana to the left, we're going to be returning to mountain, so when you're ready, press into your feet equally. Lift up again to bring your back up as you inhale...
So from Tadasana, mountain pose in the passive form, we're going to come into the active form of Tadasana, so pressing down into the feet; elongating. Taking a nice deep breath, bringing that...
Part of any Vinyasa Flow practice is Downward Dog and if you've never practice yoga, you've probably seen this before. In Sanskrit, it's Adho Mukha Svanasana. And easy way to...
And from here, we can come back into Downward Dog, walking the Dog, walking the Dog, breathe and breathe and breathe. Strengthening the arms and the legs and then coming down into our knees and...