Moving on to dancers pose. Let’s begin standing in mountain pose with our feet about hip distance apart. Now let’s take the left leg, bring your weight on to the right foot, we're going to...
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, revolved side angle. We're going to begin with an inhaled step your left foot back, coming into a high lunge, we're going to lunge forward. As we pause right...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle. We're going to slide into revolved triangle from pyramid pose, so the legs are pyramid pose legs. We're going to shift that right hip back....
Warrior 1, Virabhadrasana 1, again, begins in Tadasana. Let's take a look that your feet are hip-width apart. Keeping the balance in your feet, we're going to use an inhale to step...
Ajanayasa is a version of your high lunge. So, we'll use an inhale to step your right foot back. Finding out what your lunge looks like here, presenting the right foot into the asana. So take...
Extended Forward Fold. Again, getting into Mountain Pose, plant those feet using all those principles that we've learned about Mountain, as we begin to do Extended Forward Fold. Hands on the...
This is Dancer Pose. Dancer creates steadiness, balance, focus and poise. Do your best. So we start with Mountain Pose as always, plant the feet, lift the ankles energetically, engage the abs, align...
So, we're practicing Ardha Chandrasana, and we're in between sides. We've arched to the right, and so now we've come back to mountain, Tadasana. So in preparation for...
In this clip we're going to talk about one of the most recognizable yoga poses, it's tree pose. You've probably seen it in a lot of magazines. Amy will start, again, feet to...



So as you're in the pose, you want to make sure that you're adding the three part yogic breath. So you're breathing through the nostrils. You're feeling first the...