A great way to free the energy in the spine is with the restorative pose called Apanasana. Gina's going to help demonstrate that for me today. So she's going to come on down laying on...
So laying flat on your back, have a strap nearby. First, make sure that you're lined up evenly from the mid-line or the central axis of your body, so just make sure that your legs are hip...
Utanasana, which is the standing forward bend, but this time we turn it into a shoulder stretch by clasping our hands behind the back. So start by lengthening your side waist line and opening to a...
Now to a something that will concern parents of young children. In a quirkily titled report on a very serious issue, Greenpeace says "toxic monsters" may be lurking in your...
Begin seated with your legs extended in front of you. Allow the feet to roll away from each other. Grasping the inner thighs or shins, slowly draw the heels towards the pelvis, bringing the soles of...
MARCELLE LEE: All right, moving right into the next position. Pressing the chest up, elbows in front of the chest, very good. Now, picking the hips up, bringing the knees in. All right, coming into a...
Hey everybody! My name is Matt and I am speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. The next thing I am going to talk aboiut is called the pool. If you go up to pool and click open pool window, it is...