>> Matt Davis[79mattdavis]: There is no narration for this video. >> Matt Davis[79mattdavis]: There is no narration for this video. >> Matt...
And, as always, we need to learn how to do it with both hands. So, let's try it now with the other hand crossing over first. With my left hand starting. I'm going to head towards my...
So laying flat on your back, have a strap nearby. First, make sure that you're lined up evenly from the mid-line or the central axis of your body, so just make sure that your legs are hip...
Even though this is an introductory lesson if you like a challenge or if you feel like this crossing business is really easy here is an advanced move that can give you something to practice. Actually...
Hi I'm Laura Martini pigeon pose is a great way to help open up your hips and your bum muscles today I'm going to show you how to go deeper in pigeon pose to begin take your front foot...
GINA KENNEDY: Utkatasana intense pose, or chair pose, can be just that, very intense, very intense on your thighs. So, we're going to have Faith demonstrate this using the block, which will...
Opening the hip on the left, just find a soft surface or a mat to lie down. Bring that left foot up, place on top of your right thigh. And just let that right knee guide the left knee in towards you,...



Starting with your knees out in the width of the mat and your big toes together for Pigeon Pose. It is a hip opener and spinal flexion. We're going to come up with our front knee, with our toe...
So again, Koundinyasana to Vinyasa from the other side. It's going to be easy on this side to see what I'm doing on the foot and leg that's helping me lift up. A lot of folks...