In the School I've done a lot of teaching within the School and also within the School of Life Sciences, there's a lot of opportunity for you to be a demonstrator. In my experience,...
We're going to explore Utkatasana, which is chair pose, or fierce pose. We're going to get this pose done starting off in Tadasana, mountain pose. Our first job is to take a look down...



We're going to demonstrate Sun Salutation B. I'm going to do a super modified version and Anika is going to do the regular, traditional advanced version just for you to see Sun...
Vinyasa yoga really can almost be aerobic. With happens is as you build endurance, the breath comes more easily. You may find especially in Sun Salutation B, that at the beginning you feel as though...
GINA KENNEDY: Utkatasana intense pose, or chair pose, can be just that, very intense, very intense on your thighs. So, we're going to have Faith demonstrate this using the block, which will...
The next variation will be a twisted chair utkatasana pose. As you inhale bend your knees, draw your hands up over head, exhale draw the hands together in front of your heart, rotate at the waist,...
So now Katie is going to show how to do utkatasana or chair pose, in this picture. And in chair pose what you're going to want to do is, take your feet about a foot apart in second trimester....
Now taking it from our straight legged position here, coming out of warrior 2, we're going to place our hands down onto the floor and swing that left foot forward to meet the right. This is...
Utkasana also known as mighty or fierce pose, this is one of my favorites. So let's start with the feet hip width apart. Second toes parallel. Take a nice deep bend in your knees, as you bend...