So just hanging down in Uttanasana, beautiful traction for the spine, lots of length and great release after the head balance. To come to Wide Leg, this is a fun little transition here, you can rocks...
Uttanasana forward fold. Forward fold is going to begin to open up the whole back side of your legs, your gluts, your lower back and we're going to start this pose in tadasana so let's...
Next transition is from Triangle turning the face away into your Standing Forward Fold. So get with our flow in Mountain Pose deep breath and hands up and reaching back, exhaling flat back into...
So Uttanasana, standing forward bend at its most basic is a half inversion spine from tail to crown is inverted and we just hang. It is a really nice pose for spinal traction, back traction, very...
Now taking it from our straight legged position here, coming out of warrior 2, we're going to place our hands down onto the floor and swing that left foot forward to meet the right. This is...
Forward bends are powerful openers for the hamstrings, which is especially important for us ladies. If you have a corporate job and you walk around in heels all the time, then you're...
Alright lunges. Lunges are another stretch that are so effective and so miraculous, but you'll find them in every yoga class and they probably frustrate the heck out of ninety percent of...
Standing forward fold. Purpose: provide a complete stretch of the upper and lower back as well as the leg and calf muscles. Standing up straight, inhale and raise your arms up over your head. Exhale,...
A Forward Bend in Yoga is going to strengthen the hamstring as well as elongate them. And, it will give you a good stretch in the back where those hamstrings insert. From a side view here,...
Ok, floor bow. This pose happens in most beginning yoga classes, even though I personally believe that it is beyond the ability of most beginners. I'm going to see if I can teach you how to do...