So now I'm going to be showing you Chair Pose or Utkatasana for women in their fist trimester of pregnancy. So to begin this pose we're going to stand on your sticky mat, and bring the...
We're here to do Surya Namaskara B with the eyes closed. We're going to start in Utkatasana position. So, bending the knees deeply; weight back in the heels, inhale; sweep the arms...
Let's begin at your base by coming into a wide-legged stance. Turn your left toes slightly in toward the body, approximately 15 degrees. Pivot on the right heel, turning your toes out to a 90...
Gina's relaxing comfortably in Goddess Pose after a long day of work and she's feeling a little tense on her shoulders so we're going to fix that for her by using Garudasana...
Hi, I'm Linda Black, we're going to move into stretching the hamstrings in a safe co-contraction, front and back sideway. Let's start with Downward Facing Dog. Hands shoulder...
Hi, I'm Carolyne Heldman for Zenergy Yoga Studio in Denver, Colorado on behalf of Expert Village. Low back is also at risk in a pose called Alternatively Fierce Pose, Awkward Pose, Chair Pose,...
Jessica Matthews, Academy Exercise Scientist: With beach season right around the corner, many of us are beginning to think about swimsuit season, and sporting a toned, lean look for the summer. Well,...
Now for the yoga pose sasangasana, the rabbit pose. This pose is similar to a pose practiced by many school children and a turtle named Burt during the Cold War. So you see, yoga can be practiced...