Texas asana championship

Starting from your Tadasana, you can step your left foot back, your right foot is forward. So Triangle Pose is a hip opener. It's also a nice extension for your spine. So you want to try to...
So the next pose, Pigeon, is a hip opener. You can take your right knee forward. Try to feel it from the knee, the thighbone draws back into the hip joint and from the back blade the thigh extends out...
So this next pose, Downward Facing Dog, is a great stretch for the backs of your legs but you want to be mindful that you keep your chest open and your shoulder blades on your back. You can start on...
The next variation will be a twisted chair utkatasana pose. As you inhale bend your knees, draw your hands up over head, exhale draw the hands together in front of your heart, rotate at the waist,...
So another really good way to stretch out the front of your hips and massage muscle is with back bending. So we are going to move into a bridge and then into a wheel. So you can start sitting up nice...
So the next series is a Bali-Seal which is a movement on the breast that helps to release tension from the shoulders and also the back of the body. So you can start with your hips on your heels and...
Triangle pose is a wonderful pose to strengthen the legs, to open the hips, to open the hips and to improve your balance and flexibility. So, you’ll want to start by standing in mountain pose and...
So the next pose is a reclining twist. So you’ll want to start with your knees pulled into your chest, tuck your chin into your chest, and roll down onto your back and take your arms out into a “T”...
So, for cobra pose you’ll want to start lying on your belly with your legs extended out behind you – the legs relaxed and your hands stacked on top of one another. And relax, just sticking your...
Hi, my name is Amy and I’m a yoga teacher at Yoga-Yoga in Austin, Texas. I’ve been teaching yoga full time for four years, and I’ve been practicing yoga for a little over four years. So, we’ll start...