The twist is simply getting the body moving a little more. So we're going to open our legs just a little bit, wider than shoulder width. And concentrating on the hip, we're going to...
Moving now into a Seated One Leg Balance pose. So let's start by holding onto our chair again for support, one hand on either side. Now we're going to start with our right leg, so...
Hello. My name is Cathie Ryder. Welcome to Expert Village. We're going to be working on a series of sitting and supine postures. Supine means lying on your back, on the spine and the postures...
One of the poses that really works great in partner yoga is spinal twisting and it helps to have your partner and it feels really great. We are going to come back to back. We're going to do a...
In a laying down spinal twist to the left, just lay down comfortably into the mat or a soft surface, such as a carpet. But you tilt your pelvis up and your lower back will go right into the floor....
Taking the spin into rotation a little bit further using your partner, we are going to come back to back in our easy seated position, with he aligning of the partner's shoulder blades and...
Coming into Sages Twist. Let's sit up nice and tall, with our left leg extended long and our right knee bent in. Let's bring the left arm around, turning towards the right side. Now...
We're going to work on a restorative twist for your spine, Upavistha Parivrtta, so it's twisted seated pose. We're going to start ourself off in Vadrasana, thunderbolt pose,...
Marichyasana 1. We're going to begin by extending your left leg, grounding both sit bones, so that we find equal; that we're lifting the spine. And then we're going to go...
Today we’re going to be doing some twists with Alea. “Hi, my name is Alea and I’m 7 years old.” Alea’s going to show us how to do three different twists. The first one is a simple seated twist. You...