Marichyasana 1. We're going to begin by extending your left leg, grounding both sit bones, so that we find equal; that we're lifting the spine. And then we're going to go...
Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, three limbed head to knee pose. We're going to start off by extending your right leg into Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. Then we're going to...
Let's practice Sun Salutes. Exhale Tadasana. Inhale arms up overhead. Exhale forward fold. Inhale & go halfway up. Exhale & fold down again. Inhale and, hinging at the hips,...
We're going to transition into Uttanasana, forward fold. So the transition comes from warrior I. We're going to inhale both palms to the earth. Exhale, we're going to step that...
The wide-leg long dog is a nice way to relieve the spine. It can be done as one of the finishing poses of a standing pose because it really relieves any stress in the spine. I'm going to have...
The modified half fish lord pose can be done during prenatal yoga. Now I'm going to have Emily do it. Now it is a spinal twist and you do not want to be taking this to your full capacity....
From dog pose. Step your right leg foreword into a lunge pose then walk your left fingertips off to the side, you can even walk them off your mat. Now hug the mid line with the leg so again that means...
Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. We've traded in your feet with your sitting poses for your sit bones. That's going to be your stability. Plug in the sit bones firmly into the earth....
Now we take the easy pose and we add in a twist. Again, start by hugging the mid-line with your legs, even all the muscles outside the hips and the pelvis. They'll be firm to support the low...
Begin in table position with your hands shoulder width apart, and directly beneath your shoulders, fingers spreading wide, tuck your toes under, and with your inhalation, lift your hips, lift your...