
If Temple Pose is too difficult and you can't get your hands together, your shoulders are too tense, particularly for men in this pose, in the beginning at least, there is a lot of muscle mass...
Hello my name is Scott Soller and I'm here on behalf of expertvillage. Welcome to the power flow series. We're going to be doing some flowing movements progressively going from ease of...
Hello my name is Scott Soller. I'm a yoga instructor. And I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. Next pose is the half moon. We turn left toes left; right hand is on right thigh. We...
Returning to tadasana is the next step in the sun salutation, and that's going to transition from forward fold uttanasana. But we want to make an effort to use the legs in uttanasana to get...
From table position, bring your shoulders directly over your wrists, tuck your toes under, expand the sideways line so it gets long and then melt your heart. With the heart melted, tuck your toes,...
Begin a Tadasana with your feet hip width apart, your second toes lined up parallel, then your legs evenly in line all the way up from your feet, through your knees, to your hips. Then from that...
From Trikonasana take a wide leg stance, and then turn your left foot out and the right toes will face forward. Sweep your arms out and then lengthen over your left leg taking your fingertips or your...
So we're going to look at Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend, and I love this pose. If I could do this pose an hour in class and get away with it, I would, and variations and variations, because...
Prasarita Padottanasana, wide leg forward fold. We are going to start ourselves with an inhale to lengthen the spine, soften the knees, the exhale will allow you to hop or step your feet three to four...
Our next posture is Wide Legged Forward Bend. We're going to add a twist in there as well. So let's start with our feet, about three or four feet apart. And we want the feet to be...