
From dog pose. Step your right leg foreword into a lunge pose then walk your left fingertips off to the side, you can even walk them off your mat. Now hug the mid line with the leg so again that means...
Now we take the easy pose and we add in a twist. Again, start by hugging the mid-line with your legs, even all the muscles outside the hips and the pelvis. They'll be firm to support the low...
Begin in table position with your hands shoulder width apart, and directly beneath your shoulders, fingers spreading wide, tuck your toes under, and with your inhalation, lift your hips, lift your...
Suhkasana the easy pose. Suhka literally means easy or another way to think about easefulness is really a sense of freedom like when things feel easeful there is a sense of spacious freedom so that is...
Bend your left knee, draw it in. Take the strap to the balls of the toes. Stretch the left leg up straight and then move your groins down toward the floor so that you create a little curve in the...
From Lunge Pose, take your back knee. Let's do the right knee this time. So, take your right knee down to the floor. Left leg is forward. Then, inhale and take your hands up to your front...
From Dandasana, bend your right knee and place the right foot on the floor inside the left leg. And, the right heel can be a little wider than the sits bone. That should give you some more space. It...
Take the wide leg stance, your feet 4 to 5 feet apart; line up your second toes parallel to each other and with parallel lines between the center of the ankle and the center of the heel. Then take...
So lying on your belly bring your elbows beneath your shoulders and your wrists in line with your elbows. Spread your fingers wide and then press your fingertips into the floor, your forearms into the...
Lie on your belly and stretch your arms back behind you. Clasp your hands behind your back, fingers interlaced, then scoop your tail bone down and lengthen the sides of your waistline. Lift the heads...