
So, start by lying down on your back. You can stretch both legs out long. And, then bend your left knee and draw it into the chest. Hold the knee and stretch long through your right leg. Then, hold...
For our final pose we'll take a reclining twist. Draw your knees into your chest and then take your knees over to the right-hand side, stacked on top of one another. Stretch your arms out in a...
Our next pose is Dandasana. It's really like the quintessential pose out of which all of our others seated postures come from. It's kind of like the mountain pose, what the standing...
From Dandasana bend your left leg. As you bend your left leg place it inside the right thigh and then you can walk it a little bit more to the left to give yourself more space. Make sure that both...
Hi my name is Scott Soller, yoga instructor on behalf of Expert Village. For the bridge pose feet and hip are apart when the navel comes in the tail tucks under. You want to start to bring the pelvis...
Hello my name is Scott Soller, Yoga Instructor. I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. To bring the energy back up, we're first going to do a series for opening up the legs and hips,...
From Uttanasana make sure your feet are hip width apart, your second toes are parallel to each other and you create a sense of stability and evenness in the legs, so engage the leg muscles, hug them...
From Tadasana fold forward and put Tadasana, from the Tadasana step your right leg back into a straight leg lung; bend the left leg nice and deep, square your pelvis and then lift the top of your left...
Start with a wide leg stance. Turn your right foot out. Make sure that the right heel is bisecting your left arch. Then, sweep your arms out and turn the palms face upward to lift your heart up and...