Straddle stretch on the wall is a nice active relaxation and also helps to stretch out the inner thigh. It's good to not only do while you're pregnant, but also afterwards. Please...
The wall squat helps you stretch deeper into the pelvic muscles. Squatting is a very important part of prenatal yoga. You can do it with a chair. You can do it on the floor, but you can also do it on...
To get a good stretch all the way from heels to fingertips, you can come into warrior on the wall and extend an arm straight up to the sky. Wonderful stretch for you. I'll have you turn around...
To further you prenatal practice, we're going to come into one leg drops on the wall. Now, we're going to do both on each side. What this pose does for you is it makes you think about...
Squatting is a very important part of your prenatal practice. You can use a wall at home. Any wall you have. If you're short on space, just shut a door and use a door. We're going to...
If you get tired in the middle of the day, this nice little breath flow is a good way to bring some energy back into yourself. We are going to begin in a wide leg, a straddle stretch, breath flow. So,...
Our next pose is Dandasana. It's really like the quintessential pose out of which all of our others seated postures come from. It's kind of like the mountain pose, what the standing...
Let's begin at your base by coming into a wide-legged stance. Turn your left toes slightly in toward the body, approximately 15 degrees. Pivot on the right heel, turning your toes out to a 90...
From Dandasana bend your left leg. As you bend your left leg place it inside the right thigh and then you can walk it a little bit more to the left to give yourself more space. Make sure that both...
From Uttanasana make sure your feet are hip width apart, your second toes are parallel to each other and you create a sense of stability and evenness in the legs, so engage the leg muscles, hug them...