Mobilizing the knee joint on the left. Just lay right down and bring that left knee in and lift it towards the ceiling. Take both hands behind the left knee and soften the knee, in the back of the...
This is Extended Side Angle in the other direction. Again, let's begin in Warrior II. Nice segue into Extended Side Angle. Bend that left arm, draw the forearm to the left thigh, reach the...
Your partner is going to come onto their back. They are going to bring their knees up to their chest and you are going to bring your hand to their chin and you are just going to gently press their...
Navasana, boat pose is a core strengthener. It's more of a strengthening pose, than it is a flexibility pose. So we're going to begin with planting the soles of your feet so that the...
Coming into Boat Pose. Let's start by balancing on our sitting bones. So finding those two bones on either side, finding balance between the two. And let's walk our feet up,...
Starting with your knees out in the width of the mat and your big toes together for Pigeon Pose. It is a hip opener and spinal flexion. We're going to come up with our front knee, with our toe...
Let's begin our balance postures with tree pose. So we'll start by bringing all of our weight on to the left leg, focusing all of our weight on that leg. Then we can begin to lift the...
The next variation will be a twisted chair utkatasana pose. As you inhale bend your knees, draw your hands up over head, exhale draw the hands together in front of your heart, rotate at the waist,...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle; strongly recommended that you viewed this pose in the first series. We're going to begin with making sure that you have a strap. So what...
This is Tree demonstrated on the other leg. You can use a wall for balance as well. Again, starting in Mountain. Getting into your alignment, feeling your alignment. Feeling the structure of your...