As always, let's begin at your base. Come into a wide-legged stance with toes pointing forward, hands on your hips. Turn the left toes out to a 90 degree angle so the toes face the top of your...
Setu Bandhasana, supported bridge. You're going to want to find yourself lying on your back, but be sure that you have a block with you, and know that the block has three levels to it. It can...



Child's Pose Purpose – stretches the hips, thighs and ankles gently, it is a resting pose that can be done to proceed or follow any pose. Start on your hands and knees with your feet and your...
One of the many ways to practice Warrior II Pose a Standing Strength Pose is to come back to back with your partner, and allow your partner's back and hips to align with yours so that you can...
Nataraja, Dancer's Pose. Beginning in the soles of your feet to create balance, lengthening in the spine and finding a place of focus. Balance is eighty percent focus, rather than the ability...
Welcome to lotusfloweryoga videos. In this video we are going to do Bridge pose. So if you have a block or a book then just taking a block or book and having it near by. So we are going to set...
Hi, my name is Cindy Mastry with Yoga Etc. Studio on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we're going to demonstrate the tree and half lotus with a forward fold. This is April and...
Starting from your Tadasana, you can step your left foot back, your right foot is forward. So Triangle Pose is a hip opener. It's also a nice extension for your spine. So you want to try to...
Parivrtta Trikonasana, revolved triangle. We're going to slide into revolved triangle from pyramid pose, so the legs are pyramid pose legs. We're going to shift that right hip back....
So the next pose, Pigeon, is a hip opener. You can take your right knee forward. Try to feel it from the knee, the thighbone draws back into the hip joint and from the back blade the thigh extends out...