Begin on your hands and knees in table top position. Align the knees directly under the hips and hands directly under the shoulders. With the middle finger pointing forward, spread your fingers and...
Begin seated with the legs extended in front of you. Allow the left toes to roll outward, opening up the hip, then bend the knee and pull the left heel towards the pelvis. Grab the ankle to draw the...
Let's begin by coming to hands and knees in Table Top Position with the hands below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Walk the hands one palms distance forward and spread the...
Begin lying flat on your back. Plant the feet hips-width apart on the floor about six inches in front of your bum. Extend the arms down by your sides with palms flat on the floor. Press down through...
As always, let's begin at your base. Come into a wide-legged stance with toes pointing forward, hands on your hips. Turn the left toes out to a 90 degree angle so the toes face the top of your...
Another great way to begin partner yoga practice and to connect with your partner is the use of the Lotus Mudra. A Mudra is an energy seal and the lotus flower is the symbol of spiritual...
For our move of the month we are going to wrik with the Sun Salutations: Surya Namaskar Series A 0:00:08.989,0:00:15.429 The first time through we will use cobra and the second time through we will...
One of the many ways to practice Warrior II Pose a Standing Strength Pose is to come back to back with your partner, and allow your partner's back and hips to align with yours so that you can...
A bicycle built for two isn't the only way to ride a bicycle when you're doing partner yoga. So we're gonna use our abdominals and we're just gonna turn towards each...