[APPLAUSE] JIM MEEHAN: Thank you all so much for coming. Thanks to John Henry, as David said. He has sponsored our cocktail today with El Buho Mezcal, which I'll be demonstrating in just a...
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Still I do believe that I don't know anything I've been to school I 've done all my universities But I'm still trying To figure out the truth of life All the mansions,...



TRISHA INGRAM: All right. Welcome, everyone. My name is Trisha Ingram. And I want to welcome all of you to a very special edition of Artists at Google. Today is Take Your Children to Work Day. And we...



Gate of Heavenly Peace by TravelPod member rbdiorio Gate of Heavenly Peace by TravelPod member rbdiorio Forbidden City by TravelPod member rbdiorio Forbidden City by TravelPod member rbdiorio...
>> ♪ >> Well, thank you for joining us on Traci Lynn Ministries today on The Word Network. I am so glad to be here in sunny Ft. Lauderdale with a live studio audience!...
Hi Margret, Scott Colan from Handy Chevrolet I just wanted to shoot you this video of this possibility that may solve your transportation problems 2010 Jeep Patriot its only about an inch and a half...
good morning beautiful skin I'm loving the skin that I'm in hate is the root to all sin so I'm loving me from within woke up this morning feeling like I could have the time of...
Alright guys, this lady truly needs no introduction. I am here with the legendary Sheila E. It is so great to see you here and you're performing at this years Grammys. What are you even so...