Hi, I'm Stephanie Barnett here on Expert Village. I am going to show you today how to make a fabulous Split Pea Soup. So now we are going to add our chopped carrots. We want to add them next...



Today, we're going to work up everybody's cold-weather favorite: hot soup! This is one of my favorite recipes. The seasonings would be excellent with any game bird... but it's...
On behalf of Expert Village this is Lizbeth Muller. Today I'm going to teach you how to make chicharros which is split pea soup. I'm just going to rinse out the peas one time like this...



On behalf of Expert Village this is Lizbeth Muller. Today I'm going to teach you how to make chicharros which is split pea soup. I'm starting to cut up my squash, I'm going to...
Namaskar Welcome to nishamadhulika.com Pulses are always nutritious. If we mix some green leaves to the pulses they become more nutritious. Today we will make cholaai moong dal. Let’s see what...
Namaste! Welcome to your favorite show, Aha Emi Ruchi What will you be cooking? Dal Dhokli (Green Gram Stew) Ingredients required to make Dal Dhokli (Green Gram Stew) Wheat Flour, Green Gram, Salt,...
Hello, and welcome to In the Kitchen with Matt, I am your host Matt Taylor. Today, I am going to teach you how to make amazing ham and potato soup. Nothing like a nice hot bowl of soup on a cold...
Today, we are going to make "Green Peas and Mint Soup". To make this soup, we require fresh green peas. Heat the butter in a non-stick pan. Add the finely chopped onions. Saute on a...
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