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CNN STUDENT NEWS is back in session. I`m Carl Azuz, hope your Tuesday is going well so far. First up, with U.S. combat troops out of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan winding down, the U.S. government...
ANNOUNCER: From our neighbourhood to yours... For Accessible Media, I'm Bob Short. My experience watching the Lethbridge Wheelchair Basketball Association today has shown me that when...
[Western Illinois First Tee 2011] Just hanging out with your friends and you get to play golf holes with your friends and everything. Lia Lukkarinen, First Tee Program Director and Women's...
Technology has transformed many aspects of modern life But the way we teach and the way we learn has yet to advance the learning experience Our education system operates like a learning factory...
Hello Tomorrow I go to Japan. I'm very excited! I got the MEXT scholarship, so it became possible to study abroad at Tottori University. I'm very happy. Since I was little,...
welcome to moving forward i'm diane williamson earlier this week one southern Indiana honored business leaders with the banquet and awards program featuring videos Award nominees and guess who...
morning rush hour charlotte's north carolina it's busy at forces were article and see this one flying from from the fence sustern craziness for ruth running for the home firefighters...
Hi, everyone. I wanted to do a problem for you guys from section 2.5. In the past few semesters, this has been a problem that people have emailed me about a lot. So I figured I would do a video for...



[ Music ] >> Hello, Mohawk. On this episode of MoCast, we find out what happens when the snow starts to fly here at the college, we shine the spotlight on our financial service students...