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Hello welcome to how to succeed in high school without really trying. I'll be your guide Jonathan Feng and here are some tips of how to get through high school without putting the effort and...



Se burlan de mí, estos tipos, sólo porque soy chico Se burlan de mí porque no mido cuarenta metros Yo les digo que hay mucho que aprender acá en el suelo El mundo es grande pero los chicos lo dan...



NICK: There's a sink closet. I thought this was a closet; it's a sink. ...with a mirror, and a...what the fuck? ...and a light switch. Oh, and a weird...oh, how does... It's...
Querido dios Detesto ser una molestia pero tengo que decir Este mundo se está volviendo loco con todos los días Espero que usted me oiga ahora como no he dejado de orar Querido dios La gente toma tus...



she can't thank you for being a true winter will kill the invitation thank you for the they can be in a weird assignments and it's a bit sometimes i feel alone how could this be went...
Saludos gente. Yo soy Jorge del grupo "Polbo". La influencia, yo creo que nosotros de jóvenes con lo que más nos identificabamos era con el Rock, que era lo que oíamos, pero lo...



Do you know God? Do you know God as, what, who, what does He do for you, why is He interested in us, why would He ever have the time of day to listen to my prayer. Who am I compared to God, the...
sorry for resolution i'm gonna happen formatting reassure introduction you know wishing workforce cough dude not contracting kingston's what's up corruption currently working...
Hazlenut bread by TravelPod member spo_rt Yummo strawberries by TravelPod member spo_rt St. Peter's cemetery by TravelPod member spo_rt In the cemetery by TravelPod member spo_rt Looking for...