Leather watch bands are frequently put together with two pieces of leather that are pressed and glued or stitched together. Over time, these two pressed pieces of leather may come apart and need to be...
This Bergeon Swiss spring bar tool from Esslinger-dot-com is a handy watchmaker tool. This high quality steel spring bar tool is the perfect tool for removing spring bars and link pins from metal and...
fagan i want my colored antiques dot com to look at me broad street urged the mariner installed still still this model is from the early nineteen eighties as a carries the sixty per five digit serial...
thank you know i'm michael joint aches dot com take a look at a man cartier sent us in eighteen karat saudi all golden still steel it is the automatic version as you can see the case but his...
january when michael doing peaks take a look at a rolex export to with white dial it is a twenty four argentine watch with data independently adjustable beforehand standby public off the first...
This painting, called La Simplicite, depicts a young woman plucking the petals off of a white flower. It is a work done with oil on canvas and was completed by the French artist, Jean-Baptiste Greuze...
0:00:01.899,0:01:33.899 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} 0:00:01.649,0:00:01.899 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
:00-03 Opening Slate :03-13 Pan from Breguet sign to crowded street :13-21 Exterior of front entry/building :21-28 MCU of new clock in front of building :28-35 CU of new clock -- movement of...