{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Working With Form\par \par \par \par Now in the real...
Hello, I’m Deep, I’m studying architecture at Kingston University. This is our campus here at Knight’s Park, one of the four campuses at the university. This is our art shop! And I’ll just go through...



Hello, just balance you there on the books, ok. Right, I'm just going to talk to you today about something called 'Irlens syndrome', which is i-r-l-e-n-s. Irlens syndrome and...
Hi guys! So in today's blog I have set myself a challenge for you guys - to cook a student meal for two people using under five pounds! So that's two pounds fifty per person. And...
Hiya, it's been a little while since I've done a video blog, I've been really busy with third year, but now with the final point, the degree show, I'm all done so...
Hello again. So recently me and Chloe whose also another student ambassador who does animation were asked to make an Easter animation just to say Happy Easter from Kingston University. So we decided...
We really encourage students to be ideas people as well as making, and that's what we do best. We get that really excellent balance across our courses of making skills and of thinking skills....
This painting, called La Simplicite, depicts a young woman plucking the petals off of a white flower. It is a work done with oil on canvas and was completed by the French artist, Jean-Baptiste Greuze...
♪ KU choral chant ♪ Kevin: My name is Kevin Colbert. I'm a bioengineering student. Amputees wearing conventional prosthesis generally exhibit problems with skin soreness and skin irritation...