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YOU AND ME 《我和你》 Theme Melody of Beijing Olympic Games, 2008 北京2008奥运会主题曲 Play by D.C.Yane, China D.C.Yane(中国)演奏 Specal Thanks to SMULE OCARINA & Apple iPhone 特别感谢:SMULE和APPLE公司 Hi,this is...



Nigel: Hello, everybody and welcome to the Timpani Master Class for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. My name is Nigel Thomas. I'm principal timpanist with the London Symphony Orchestra and I...
naal paroli al vi el la kontrolon ĉambro de studo kvardek unu lia lito kun markiĝas grep ĉambro en dek naŭ tridek ok de la tempo de Munkeno brita ĉefministro Neville chambelán aro de Ĉeĥoslovakio...
Thank You for looking for me Bring me back here Sing and pray with song Thank You for loving me so much Invite and accompany me Give me laugh and so much joy I want to let You know Your love is so...



I want to play badly! I really love football! My teammates and I used to train together. See how fit we are! My coach says I am a good player! That day, I saw some people playing cards. It seemed...



>> FISHER:Ancient Myth of 2012 Truth Trilogy- Prehistoric Star Wars- the Luna War A Shock! Chinese Prehistoric Star Wars- the Luna War Long time ago, in the ancient times, Hou Yi shot...



I spent the last year working on a book called "Hacking Your Education" which is about my own non-traditional educational background and it tells my story in a narrative basis, but...



Those Flowers Those laughter lets me remind of my those flower They are quietly opening in each corner of my life I used to think I will stay with them forever Today we have already been seperated in...