When I think of music, I think of music in its totality, complete. From the lowest blues to the highest symphony, you know, so what I'd like to do is exemplify each style of as many periods as I can...
0:00:01.899,0:01:33.899 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} 0:00:01.649,0:00:01.899 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Tentaram me mandar pra reabilitação Eu disse "não, não, não" É, eu estive meio caída, mas quando eu voltar Vocês vão saber, saber, saber Eu não tenho tempo E mesmo meu pai pensando...



moda sertaneja churrasquinho cervejão pra gente não tem hora nois faz o tempo inteiro chama a mulherada que o sol ta estralando é festa na piscina é farra o dia inteiro E elas vem descendo e...



Every day the deficit grows, you spend more than you own Papa always said to me, keep a close eye on your authority 'cause You say that you care, I was unaware You say that you care, I was...
Tom was upset. It was easier to focus on his feelings when I'd calmed myself down. 'He says you've always got enough money to buy new clothes when you want'. I always...
My name is Dixie Flatline also known as the producer of Just Be Friends. the producer of Just Be Friends. Thanks! The video that I showed just now is a gift especially for you guys. This is an answer...
[♪driving beat♪] Today we're having a boys only scouting event for the kids here in the IZ. It's the first time we've held an event since September of last year, so...
We’re at the Grammys brought to you by Turbo Tax with Musiq Soulchild. Yeah. Best Male R&B performance, you we’re nominated this year. So exciting, but you’re not a newbie to the...
Hey it’s Shira Lazar coming to you backstage at the Grammys, brought to you by Turbo Tax with Kym Johnson from Dancing With The Stars. Yes, nice to be here. Thank you for being here and dancing into...