I always tell people when I was dealing with them, with their bankruptcy situation or foreclosures or whatever especially when someone would call me and they would say, "I want to file a...



well in Boyd is the new president Alabama State University and she recently signed her contract I in order to receive her salary in all that cool benefits that come along with the university president...
I'm collapsing slowly like this Without you, I can't live one second It was so hard to get this love How come it flies away so easily In my heart, tears keep flowing I lean on you but...
a two-year-old was mauldin advocate pittsburgh zoo malta definite pittsburgh zero byte african caning dogs uh... eleven dogs mauled this two-year-old apparently his mother had placed him on a wooden...
>> [music] Tonight - >> I have absolutely no family history of cancer at all. I didn't think I was a risk factor. >> You never expect anything is...



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- This party's crazy! - It's a shame we gotta-- It's a shame we're outta booze though. - Wait, wait-- - Nah, I better wrap this up And get people outta there. - Wait,...
[ sigh ] This is it, Larry. You're finally gonna do something right. What happened? Is this hell? - Fire in the hole! [ crying ] Hey, crybaby! Trying to move pillows here! [ horn blasting ] -...