I always tell people when I was dealing with them, with their bankruptcy situation or foreclosures or whatever especially when someone would call me and they would say, "I want to file a...



O que você quer? Ah, você foi até o local onde vende café e eles te deram isso Era isso o que você queria? Ok. Aqui está Acho que vocês estão viciadas Bom, se vocês assistiram ao vídeo de ontem, Opa,...
L’homme qui pouvait s’asseoir n’importe où. Un court métrage de Cyanide and Happiness « BELLES CHAISES Chaises et compagnie » Bonjour, bienvenue chez Belles Chaises. Je peux vous renseigner ? Je vais...
ODRZUCONE Wiosną 1999 roku Rodzinna Telewizja Edukacyjna zamówiła u amerykańskiego rysownika / / przerywniki do ich programu. Kreskówki zostały stworzone w ciągu 5 tygodni. Niestety Kanał Telewizjii...



Speed Raciste Un court métrage de Cyanide and Happiness Go, Speed Raciste Go, Speed Raciste Go, Speed Raciste, go ! Retourne en Afrique ! Appelez une ambulance ! Oh, mon cher Karma ! Je suis en feu !...
- This party's crazy! - It's a shame we gotta-- It's a shame we're outta booze though. - Wait, wait-- - Nah, I better wrap this up And get people outta there. - Wait,...
[ tribal music ] Hi! You didn't see me there. You know why? Because I'm Ted Bear. If you want to survive like me, you've gotta have a sharp wit, endurance, good looks and a...
LE CHAPEAU MAGIQUE Un court métrage de Cyanide and Happiness Et maintenant un nouveau tour mais, mes chers enfants, il doit rester secret pour toujours car j’ai ici des jouets hallucinants et des...
[ sigh ] This is it, Larry. You're finally gonna do something right. What happened? Is this hell? - Fire in the hole! [ crying ] Hey, crybaby! Trying to move pillows here! [ horn blasting ] -...