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hour welcome in this nation here's what we're dishing out today doing all taken Taylor Swift she's never ever getting back Lady Gaga can't keep her poker face when...
Hey | HOla | もしもし | привет Thanks for watching! | Gracias por su atención! | 見てくれてありがとう! | Спасибо за просмотр! Like my video! | Al igual que mi video! | 私の動画が好き! | Как и мои видео! Subscribe |...
Hi, my name is Tom Baron, and I am a urologist at Springfield Clinic, and I would like to discuss vasectomies with you. A vasectomy is a means of voluntarily sterilizing the male partner to prevent...
[DANCE MUSIC] NAPOLEON DUMO: So we're here at the Fly Girl auditions for In Living Color. It's coming back, and we're super excited. ALLISON HOLKER: Fly Girls were the best of....
Greetings, friends and viewers, and welcome to Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living We are very pleased today to introduce to you Chef Brian Lucas, otherwise known as Chef BeLive He is one of the...
Greetings, friends and viewers, and welcome to Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living We are very pleased today to introduce to you Chef Brian Lucas, otherwise known as Chef BeLive He is one of the...
<i>♪ [ r&b dance ]</i> ♪ I feel the spirit ! Whoo ! Yes. ♪ [ congregation exclaiming ] ♪ ain't that the truth ? ♪ <i>all right, grandma...