I hope everybody had a good weekend I don't wanna waste anytime before i address the controversial and viral Russell Brand video that has been sent to me by twenty or thirty people many of...
there's a new study out today u_s_ income in equality we are now rivaling if not surpassing many latin american countries when it comes economic inequality a new study out today that produces...
The landscape of the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona is both stunningly beautiful and remote. The residents have a passionate reverence for the land, which is removed from many conveniences of...
The forgotten cancers project is quite a complicated thing, but its intention is quite simple. We recognise that even in our large cohort study we’ve only got a hundred or so, or less, of these, what...
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divenoj estas en la konstitucio estis starigita per legado la federisma paperoj ili estis tre okupata ĉi kaj ĉar ili zorgas pri la fakto ke la ekonomia sistemo metis monon kaj posedaĵojn en la manojn...



for Republican lawmaker in Colorado while debating solutions for poverty with other lawmakers said some unfortunate things by forcing and the point is to discuss ways to decrease the poverty rate in...
Hello, it's Monday, 18 July 2011 and I'm Martin Smith with the daily outlook from UFX Bank. The dollar traded mixed against most of the major currencies after Moody’s Investors...