then come quickly to clear you have to eat then come quickly to clear you have to eat what time were then? tell them it's for a drink what time were then? tell them it's for a drink...
0:00:01.899,0:01:33.899 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf350 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} 0:00:01.649,0:00:01.899 {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
The Illegal Richers Episode 5 James vs. Rally(1) - at 00.09am Chick: GO! James wins! Prize: $5000 Bryan's storehouse - at 1.23am Bryan: This is my storehouse. If you need any parts, just tell...



Walking aimlessly Entire defecated Hopeless To be helped. There's no one Doesn't even look to your side Everyone see him And do nothing Damn society Society damn Damn society Society...



Tonight is a tourstop of our bookingagency. 3000° Booking. The topic of our party is "3000° the traveling circus" We're a group of artists from Northern Germany. and we have...
We sorcerers Sorcerers have always held the anomalous position at the edge of the fields or woods. They haunt the fringes They are at the borderline of the village, or between villages. The sorcerer...
How it ended, was really destructive. Somehow it overshadowed the previous years. Hanin Elias, who sang before that, also with ATR... You have to know that she would play with us, then she wouldn´t,...
I'm sick to death like I've never been sick before! I'm sick to death like I've never been sick before! Sick to death! sick to death! sick to death! I'm sick to...
The truth, my vision It's time to make decision Their lies, you('re) buying But some of us are trying Revolt, resistance We feed for our existence This war, we're fighting New...
Is the food any good guys? Yes? It's good? - Your dinner is getting cold. Is my dinner getting cold? I've already finished it! I always inhale my food. What did you have? Ham and...

