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yeah videocamera it's for bob dole and what about the background of your own wondered what they did not commit unit field or their about your door car quite operated by repair canada came...
Hi my name is Sarolta Eke, hi my name is Tamas Kassay we are here on behalf of Expert Village we are going to show you how to dance the paso doble. This is paso doble the ladies step for traveling...
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Here goes nothing, guys. I never did stuff like this. ( phone rings ) Is Kim there? Um, yeah, this is Nicole with Artista records. I just needed to... I was calling to remind him about the focus group...
Hey guys, it's Hayley! Today we'll be bringing you challenges two, three and four. So today we have special guests First being my little brother - who's taller than me - Jake...
the actresses throughout the diverted spot with the crowd and judge pleasing cha cha cha last week premium will be start first here hurt at last week's premier kirsty hughes john john took the...
Make room for another batch of ballroom pros in the making! Dancing With The Stars has unveiled its season 18 cast, which includes everyone from 90s sitcom stars to winter Olympians. Gold...
Hey it's Shira Lazar. We're coming to you from backstage at the Grammys, brought to you by Turbo Tax with Debi Mazarand and Gabriele from their new show, Extra Virgin. Yes....