ladies and gentlemen we got on other happy de beers down those adopted so right now hollow we have not gotten qaddafi captured yet but it appears that he has lost control tripoli two older sons are...
gemini barnett would cheer for jenny good friday do you tell actually good friday but still hope you have an actual good friday chair jackson issues out there and i'll be long in an hour with...



so what what is the recruiting about pale first leased antitrust about japan's downtown in general and he said it's not my favorite line was pending a hundred thousand dollars for the...



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You're listening to 1LIVE, and in background... ♪ Oh yeah, sit on my lap. Ooh yeah. ♪ Very dirty song [Ayo Technology], by Milow here. 65 million albums sold worldwide. Last tour American...
okay guys so sorta okay develop we're gak just jumped from one place because lack her skeletons chasing the cell yesterday meant skeleton i have no sort pick is the best option won't...



Ok now I'm going to show you how to start the game of beer pong. Now that you know the rules, this is how you start the game. When you start, one player starts with two balls. Now...