At Phanta Media we produce the highest quality, most effective videos possible. That's all we do, day in and day out. And we challenge ourselves and our clients to always do better. Because of...



NASA has released more details about its upcoming Mars rover set to lift on in 2020 and it looks, exactly like the current curiosity rover. Mainly because curiosity is working well, really well and...
[ Music ] >> My name is Michael Reed. I'm an Associate Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I'm a thoracic surgeon, which means I operate...
My name is David Phillips, I live in Neath South Wales with my wife Patricia. Rugby was my life. In 1956 I had two Welsh caps against England. I had a very very full life, I had no time for anything....
Brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services >> You feel separated from, like, the world. I mean, you just, like, you feel like you're the only one....
The forgotten cancers project is quite a complicated thing, but its intention is quite simple. We recognise that even in our large cohort study we’ve only got a hundred or so, or less, of these, what...
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>> My name is Angela Mariotto, I'm Acting Branch Chief of the Data Modeling Branch of the Surveillance Research Program at Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences NCI....
Hi I’m Deb Stringer, the Director of Community Relations and Fundraising at the Cancer Council Victoria. The Arts Awards is a very important and inspiring community event which we hold every year,...
>> Tom Treasure, MD, MD, FRCS, FRCP: Now before it gets underway, and before I forget, I'm going to acknowledge certain groups who are fundamental to this work. And first of all,...