In an abandoned warehouse late at night in the shipping yards The gangsters keep a watchful eye for the man in blue As a loaded semi pulls up to an empty dock The rear door opens to reveal the demon...
Will Rogers once said that "it's not what you don't know that hurts you; it's what you know that ain't so." Everybody knows that drug abuse and crime...
And we had that big earthquake down there in '61. The whole mountain came over and buried the people in the campground. We were - a week before that - I was fishing in that creek right there...
[APPLAUSE] JIM MEEHAN: Thank you all so much for coming. Thanks to John Henry, as David said. He has sponsored our cocktail today with El Buho Mezcal, which I'll be demonstrating in just a...
SPENCER: On this episode of "Flea Market Flip," two savvy design teams go head-to-head, hunting and haggling for diamonds in the rough. We can't go down to $50? Thank you so...
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Before I begin today, let me say to the families of the innocents who were murdered 33 days ago, our heart goes out to you. And you show incredible courage -- incredible courage --...
torento ni povas certigi, ke ili ne povas fari ĝin tie kiel sufiĉa por tiri la kandidato kiu povas lernis okay memorigis ĉie parto de nia popolo kiu estas terura momento kiam plimalbonigas pli...
frank and i are extremely pleased to have a good and long-time friends actually i'm back back with us today arteriovenous jack was active in our show from nineteen seventy eight the nineteen...
aliloke u_s_a_ s kongreso korespondanto por diskuti la ŝanĝo en kadenco de virinoj en Usono ni havas kun kiel du granatoj membroj de kongreso reprezentanto michael Griffin la demokrato de Miĉigano...
The Questioner Asks: "What is the ruling concerning taking pictures of People with Cameras?" " Sheikh Abdullah Al-Manee' Answered: I swear by Allah according to the...