assault in my brain! assault in perverted, directed immodests victims rise for doctrine that murder and bestial war! I joined them to kill impostors we are like lions in scream arena... tyrannic...
Tickets this way for the Chatsworth Expressl Come and watch pikeys making a mess of the lives they were given by 'im upstairs And kids they're convinced aren't actually theirs. Wickedl Piss offl What...



Within the spreading darkness I pledged a vow to the revolution I can't let anybody interrupt it I'm going to change The future that the forbidden fruit foretells I'm going to change the dream into...
let you mentioned uh... uh... that uh... gail trotter was brought up the the rear i guess it was uh... the n_r_a_ is uh... uh... arguing in front of the senate this week that uh... that uh... we need...
There are various kinds of assault in Maryland. You can be charged with a first degree assault, which is sometimes referred to as a felony assault, or a second degree assault, which is sometimes...
Hey guys! How's it going? It is MyDifferentUserName here and today I am going to be showing you probably one of the craziest assault rifles I have ever built. Something that you would never...
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Before I begin today, let me say to the families of the innocents who were murdered 33 days ago, our heart goes out to you. And you show incredible courage -- incredible courage --...