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frank and i are extremely pleased to have a good and long-time friends
actually i'm back back with us today
jack was active in our show from nineteen seventy eight
the nineteen eighty-one and sense leaving austin in new york city he's
worked as a journalist writing for various newspapers and magazines he's
worked as a right sure
and most recently have been working in a drug treatment store center
in new york city
but i wouldn't have talked with jack on the problems of drugs in society
talking about some of his experiences as a drug counselor and some of his
analysis and perspectives on the problems of drugs and society so jack
welcome back from trenton was great that you know it's nice to get back i have
been watching their you're showing alternatives up in new york city on the
cuny station
song four times a week up there
very going in there
i've been watching you guys age if his card without the u_s_ out and uh... sake
well i i guess it's not ravages of time
and haagen-dazs
speaking a rabbit as you know we got this big warren drugs just got to be a
war on something or other going on
so you are so to speak as a drug house or new york city or in the trenches so
can you say something transient about the war on drugs
well actually govern
i'm not really in the trenches are becoming the mesh unit
uh... more um... more than a foot soldier ameritech
and um...
or other use of the first thing to start out with his i think we need to
eighty-six this idea of the
who are on drugs
i think it's part of that
that we have conceding the problem is part of the problem rather than the
as a military type of a military level troops against at the white but out
there on twenty twenty one in a in a war you look to defeat the enemy first what
we have to analyze what is the enemy
i think that
you know bonilla pulled
should trained as a political scientist i remember that
george orwell wrote a great essay in nineteen forty eight i think that group
politics a little bit
id he cautioned
be mindful of the language did you use because it shapes how do you think about
social problems
and i think it
reaching for
if there's something about the were metaphor that reveal something about the
american character
it it says that
you know the for our first instinct is to reach for the good
mhm and i'd think we need is understanding
in this problem
i think we need to be looking at
not the tactics of how to win the war
but one of the underlying assumptions of this war
and aren't i think that we don't get that much of it in the press
writing for the most part we get just discussions of tactics
and not really one of the basic assumptions behind this effort
at such a complex subject you have everything from jockey on the street to
the pressures to that
big uh... like
*** cartels down and columbia
to the c_i_a_ involved in drugs were right on up through the uh... white
house administrating some of this
and also the
use of the drug war two
try to curtail civil liberties
uh... there the medical aspects that
itself complex where do you start trying to get a handle on this drug problem
i think one of the first things you do is to understand it
from my perspective as somebody who works in the field
um... we don't see it as
the drug problem
we see is the drug symptom
uh... when someone comes to us in as a social worker you do the first time you
see when you do
is very in-depth intake where you get there history their life history
you do that
because you
implicitly understand
that people don't use drugs accidentally
they use it
'cause it makes sense within the context of their lives
and so i think what we need to do is look about look
look what we do with addicts
what we're doing a twelve-step edwin in alcoholics anonymous narcotics anonymous
would you do is usd taking one of the statue has to take personal inventory
and to write down your character defects
well we has a society being need need to take that same inventory into right down
or defects what is it about our culture
about our economic political and social institutions which are generating such
widespread drug involvement
well jack let's begin with that carpet cleaner experiences account so that is a
the drive the people to drugs do you do it
well it's it's really complicated
it's extremely complicated
let me first of all say that
it's not really a it's it's it's it's sort of provocative to say the drug use
drugs are a problem but they're the same time there's really no consensus about
what this disputes a symptom of what right
let's take for instance conservatives conservatives think its descent into
they think it's a symptom of decline of personal responsibility of morals of
basic permissiveness
argue are drug czar william bennett is is uh... one of his favorite targets is
the nineteen sixties as a pile of permissiveness you'll say well this is
what happens you get drugs when you you have a society says if it feels good do
it over to your own thing
and uh...
any sense that basically sweden qualified to present a problem can be
traced back to the sixties
william bennett is a smart guy
he's got a p_h_d_ right here from you to a higher authority for us to depart
right in a federal law degree from harvard
but he really ought to be a better student of history
because that the actual wants
of uh... it we set our own country go farther back than the nineteen sixties
in fact we can trace it back to the eighteen sixties
the first annex in the united states
war veterans
many of whom were wrapped with
battlefield means remember medicine is extremely creative time you get a
gunshot wound rapport if your arm and leg
a lot of these fellows we're just in extreme agony it when the war was over
well hypodermic needle had been invented in eighteen fifty seven
they found out that you take a little morphine in strange
into hypodermic
and you've got some relief so the first addicts in fact were more phoenix civil
war veterans
but shouldn't stop there
in fact when we talk about *** today in the *** epidemic
by the way i i really don't use terms like epidemic i really think that
that uh...
in many ways the idea of the drugs being contagious
it also gives the feel that
you know people is somehow tainted
so i i usually shy away from the for the first
the first time the drugs appear *** appeared on the scene was in fact in the
eighteen eighties in united states
the active ingredient coca-cola
off from eighteen eighty six to nineteen oh five let's go kate uh... twelve freud
thought i was going to be the solution of mankind's problem absolutely there's
no doubt about that
nature was their *** addict in preparing
look ok worst anyway everywhere
we can legally was in every one of the patent medicine semua door-to-door
salesmen would come around
in fact uh... there was only
there was a uh... uh... syrup that was given to you
to t_v_ infants
that had in fact hoping that it at the time
and it was uh... whose car that was called missus one sins or something seem
soothing syrup nausea put that on the grounds of the of the infant and
yes it would certainly stop crying because it would be in
and uh... outlook and the ferris developing a new found ***
he had marijuana use remember most people are aware of the united states
was the last semester in country western europe
uh... to enact it narcotics laws that was in nineteen fourteen and we had the
add ironic situation in nineteen twenties were alcohol was illegal
everybody water was legal
well right now if there was such widespread availability and use of all
potent drugs during apply wasn't the whole country uh...
bladder delegates mind and all these and having all these problems that we have
today well at actually if you read if you read the text of the times you read
if you read books and accounts of the times
it was really serious problem in fact uh... david must allow a psychiatrist
historian at yale as documented in above colby american disease worry traces the
anti-war real serious problems
was not or limited to just
it was that there was a history of
of uh... of uh... uh... of
of of black workers being given *** by the abortions in order to do to get
didn't work out of them
you also had very odd
you know um...
the even the high society i don't mean that is upon
uh... in places like new york city in san francisco
after a night on the ten would read
we treat our *** dens in the in the chinatown sections of new york in
in san francisco as did the writers and the uh... bohemian exactly exactly other
seven percent belvoir sincerest problems that would generate in that and and at
the time when it was understood was there was a retrieved from it was a
retreat from drug use
pleasure i want a lot about uh... now we've had uh... alcohol use sammy
centuries millennia there you go back and show the bible or other
uh... old ancient publications
and they talk about people get brock
so we've had had these uh...
psychoactive uh...
uh... drugs
whether illegal or legal
their sense mankind has been uh... dot on the design doubt about that in fact
the parent they've done on proposed astounded and uh...
archaeologists have found
emitting in egypt
papyrus scrolls that talked about the first breweries in in in shimoga being
thirty five hundred b_c_
before that in
ancient samaria
they use to use ***
which the word they used to or be moved joy
military or civilian mysteries had religious calls
they use drugs has been many traditional societies and all over the world up till
this day yes so it's it's a
problem what uh... yeah i think that's a measure of any society said abroad in
the nineteen sixties
as william bennett doesn't just absurd shows
total historical multi albert bell battered order no better i'll tell you
why your daughter sherry does he just a propaganda sir right wing and a lot like
all the other ideas skies agenda he's he's looking at
he's got his own agenda that he's pushing but he ought to know better
because brook
bill bennett and i were born the same place let's pick a new york
right and bill bennett
and bill bennett knows that there was a drug problem growing up in the nineteen
forties nineteen fifties in brooklyn new york
and that drugs boris alcohol
why i grew up in the beirut section of brooklyn
there were four bars on every block in third avenue fifth etc
and they were churches are four fitting
and the women went to the church's to pray that the men wouldn't drink pan and
then went to the cars in the women's answer prayers whenever yasser
so there was a drug problem it was called alcohol and it was legal and it
was socially acceptable and the churches were certain churches were serving one
to go with a little wafers
for that during this each other carriers the so-called drug or alcohol problem
didn't really surface intermediate sanction
there in september of this year there was something like two hundred and sixty
media stories
on drugs a lot on network television
and the new york times quiet was saddened
on the drug problem
but there's there's signify that suddenly
drugs as a number one
problem bush makes a speech
talking about the clan a war on drugs bennett's going all over the country
talking about drugs wine al so i think that there
you know i i i'm not gonna pooh-poohing the idea that there are fifty people
don't use drugs thing that they are not
destructive consequences it did for them using drugs
i think that um...
since sensed uh... people
reagan came into office drugs have been uh... uh...
are convenient whipping post
i think that there's an ideological agenda here push new
i think that in many ways uh...
drug served as a
a diversion
from looking at other social problems
i mean as i said before
people don't use drugs accidentally
if you look at their history
the people that come to see me
often are coming from
life situations which
i deal with probably ninety percent of the client's i've seen my work
are uh...
or minority women
who've been referred from that child welfare agency in new york city
because they have been reports are allegations that there you go use drugs
and that in less than a agree to go to treatment or at least submit to
evaluation by me or people like me their children to be taken away
and when you do
the intake assessment when you do their personal history
sometimes i look at them and i would i don't have a need
wonder why they use drugs work what are some of the common
doctors the drive people into drugs that you've experienced
obviously poverty as one
you're talking about people who were
you talk about women who i have uh... by the time there twenty to twenty three
years old three or four kids b
didn't buy three or four different men
who are who are themselves children are grown are broken homes
there were no likelihood they were uh... physically
often sexually abused
uh... certainly emotionally
neglected and abandoned
poverty is the key
are you just
race i would imagine that always keeps people from
getting jobs and well actually it is no doubt about it i mean these are people
who thought a lot of opportunities in front of them
when you find yourself in rituals with kids
when you have any welfare hotel
if you're pretty trapped
and i guess to buy dubbed by some you know some some sort of temporary relief
drugs can do that group
brings no mistaking drugs deliver in the short term drugs are very powerful
their their pain relieving
they give people a sense of mastery to give people a sense of confidence
give people a sense of power
they're highly pleasurable
they have long-term negative consequences
but if you have to be really living in the immediate
if the flies doesn't look
well they were all down the road
can you blame them
jack before we get into some of the long-term negative consequences of drugs
and what you've experienced
in this regard
can we talk a little bit about how drugs are also symptomatic of american
tendency to find solutions to problems through commodities and other words the
drugs we read about on television *** ka caroline et cetera are
similar in some ways the bali and to tranquilizers sleeping pills osbourne by
a number of other drawings that are used in this society simply to relieve pain
pure and to give relief that are
uh... legal
sosa tendency in this society that advertise in the media
and just the culture in general
reinforces that if you want to solve your problems you take a drug is a
commodity solution
why you know to what extent i can add to that that's uh... it was not a question
not i'd like to think about that someday there that people don't see anything
wrong with this
because of part of the culture i was i would say this that and no less then one
of the fathers of our country the fellow who pay the phrase the pursuit of
as thomas jefferson you also pandit that the part of life is the avoidance of
pain movement
and and in fact i don't think we should be only talk about where anti-drug into
war on drugs
i think first portion understand the drugs that would but i have a beneficial
role to play in society
in our lives that's made our lives forced a bit longer liberalizing
healthier wouldn't
armed force would not be alive today without
and antibiotics is new
and and and aspirin
and various other even more
lap or drugs have kept a slight unseen emergency situations
or salazar that's important to keep in mind a draw appears eddie
any substance which is cycle active ah... which is uh... can change my
router body but so what happens is and i think in a society that
it gets
society vincent's distress wouldn't
society has lots of problems
appear on where we are solutions don't appear on the horizon
it's very tempting
to look to substances
there just a small away
from eating so late but uh... there
it's more than just a set of people in the media and name
well we've been focusing on now is the to the poor people live in the ghettos
who were trapped in there
emotional pain and helplessness
their articles about the the wheelers and dealers on wall street
using ***
there are plenty of alcoholics who make ah... gooden
good living
uh... now
and uh... as we've seen that the *** sapiens been doing this at all classes
for a multimedia
so wat is clear that
well i went by i wouldn't but there's a fellow researcher and you from u_c_l_a_
near ron siegel who's just written a book well intoxication
of the search for artificial paradise where his thesis is
he first looks at the animal kingdom
and then traded and traces it later intelligent human beings
this this thesis is that its debt the desire for intoxication the changing
is in fact it built into the species
and uh... and as a drug kelso that's not a popular position solid but i mean
that's a bit
all i can say is that in your point
listen tunic anti-cancer drug problems david kennedy killed himself from an
overdose of
i believe *** robert kennedy was when he was on the staff of robert
morgenthau came up in the prosecutor's office in in in newburgh new york was in
fact uh...
for possession of ***
met john belushi know you have uh... baseball stars you have athletes you
have a
movie stars
he had kitty dukakis drinking rubbing alcohol because there was no blues left
in the house actually obviously it's not just the function people's intake of of
drugs not just the function of of poverty there all the stresses of life
i mean they're stresses the stay at the top
you talk about wall street i have friends of mine who work on wall street
nobody gives page one hundred fifty thousand dollars a year
unless she won't step over dead bodies in our culture
tickets high stress it's it's fast lane
it's very competitive
it's a world would you never show you weaknesses to anyone
it's a world of rugged individualists grueling predatory bruin predatory
that's not bad
that takes pothole
on the spiritual and emotional health and human being
and that's no wonder i mean today they're using *** but historically
wall street was always a place where people got wasted after work on alcohol
now generally mix the two you know you take out the check the *** during
the day
to find the energy
the relevant to deal with the fatigue issues demand that they have to really
get to wired up and we see that you have a few drinks in order to float back down
back down to earth
shetlands that's focused on this question of uh... drug abuse granted
that all societies
in history of how cooper all drugs and other things to relieve pain to help
people cope with stress and different uh... on problems and that's also a lot
of drugs are useful three human uh... being
when constitutes drug abuse and then let's get into some of the destructive
effect of drugs as you see them okay
we are as a as a person who works in the in the in the into helping profession
rather than ah...
uh... the police professional with the police law enforcement take the view
any use constitutes a bugle
we don't lock would help
we take the view that we look at the context of a person's life in sync
touro when when act up and they'll see develops
the universe
has negative
life consequences
then it becomes abuse in our mind so that means we'll be looking at a
um... emotional health
their physical health
their financial health
how they're getting along with their families
uh... going to work
off their money
that's that's essentially distinction between used to produce
but also sightings as you say people of use drugs
visit there's a h it there is a markedly different
affect that *** has on a peruvian peasant
who takes the coca leaf then begins to chew it
first of all of its spread throughout the whole body and you end up getting
about five percent of the potency of the drug it's longer acting it has a way of
wanting to curtail stronger which is of course important in
countries third world countries where people are starving or or malnourished
in as a way to help the work and then you have to work brutally long hours
but in our country with the modern technology available on the processing
all the drug
when you slot *** you go from five percent that there will be present at
the eighty five percent of purity
even better here if your idea is to get wasted
is not right of free basing *** which is smoking it or crack for when
you getting ninety eight percent of the puri
within five seconds
our viewer ingestion
goes right through the brain will
and activates the pleasure centers of the brain
and gives you
a power packed
twelve minutes where you are all in
malformed which in terms of pleasure
problem is
around the thirteen fourteen fifteen minute
and getting worse
he stopped a few withdrawal symptoms
that might be irritability
my pizza
onset of depression
even paranoia
and what do you do well most people are getting out of five bucks a *** rocks
and uh...
intake another hit
and so then they're on the cycle
in there on the site of dependency and here's where becomes destructive for
people's lives extremely december's some scenarios of lie has been destroyed or
some other
processes through which people
are literally destroyed because of drug dependency
i mean i don't know where to start my my mark mark mike my clients are
are people who uh... who stories just
just our own
you know you have uh...
the young woman who came to me
rulers nineteen years old
indonesian middle-class white women
her fault usually child or farther and farther had passed away
for heart attack when she was
die from cancer long cancer when she was seventeen
she was left the house
she sold the house for holding twenty five thousand dollars
and her boyfriend in the space of less than a year or two hundred five thousand
dollars a ***
when she came to
to me for help
i had to give five dollars takecare back home
was even more dramatic
i was told me last night we completely let the audience that we're talking last
in this story struck you guys
was the time that uh... a mini wife came to
came for help
and uh...
he was barefoot
and she was wearing his
a floppy shoes
and i said
or story here why why don't you have shoes
while you were issues of suit
well on the way over here
wasn't she sold her
her shoes for ten dollars
so we could both getting hit a crack
balcony that he speaks of desperation didn't
that uh... really tells a story about
when the lawyers cross between use and abuse and
reacts to resolve
of people
people selling their babies
pampers and doctors
for for for money for drugs
uh... because other people in the crime with clinton i i mean i'll give you
another was able to give you an example or a woman who work here who have been a
while but welfare hotel
i mean this really told tells you to sort of a
in june in june you have uh...
of some of them
iron drug dealers
welfare approving the new york city welfare you get a check once oneself
once a month
and do you have to go to well
uh... office to get it
so during the month what would happen is if a if a drug dealer a welfare hotel
there was a woman has is getting public assistance
caretaker card include the card
and he will give her drugs
on credit on credit
and when they come back
when the time comes
they both will grow at the turn of the month
they were both go to the welfare welfare office to get the check
she will be immediately turn over
the money to him
and of course would have charged her dog will because you're paying double like
on the other
on credit
that's just out by sampling we could go on for hours talking about the stories
the horror stories baseball's hall lives than are involved in getting money for
using drugs and then the aftermath of down
dealing with the same cycle of anxiety depression its rocket is baseless as a
full-time job being at that
full-time job that's where destroys you like to do it was a complete lodgement
single-minded obsession unkind to looking at somebody who gets up in the
morning if you're *** addict
you get up in the morning
and within a very few hours you're starting to get
cold chills sweats diarrhea and vomiting
you've got to find some way to get the dole so first things you can find some
way to get money
if you're lucky to ho kal critical where are you going to do to get it
then you can find something to cop door from
and i hope it is good stuff we're not giving you some some garbage the cart
then we gotta find assume about are clean set works because if you don't get
a crusader works today you'll get aids in the bargain my works you mean
hypodermic syringe mechanics syringe coker
cotton settler
you know you get the whole the holes dole works
then you find a place the to be sure to dial
which on the street looking for all that and then you get a couple hours of
nirvana right
and then we begin the cycle over again
that's a full-time job
an expensive i want to say what is the cost and i think a day for heroine or
crack car
well let's take a when there are people who survive on pompons fifty dollars a
day heroic
for the people use two one two thousand they were ***
butt crack
at five p eight to ten dollars a pop under people go on what is called
in uh... in uh... in uh...
in a subculture that i work with discrimination
uh... mission here they'll say i guess is like george bush said ice it's
beacuse my mission remember he said that on his
well iguana mission
where sensual ebay a they just
leave all they go to the crack house
and they don't come up for air for two or three days
and they'll go through six hundred two thousand dollars in debt two or three
now yes where they get the money
anywhere any anyway anyway they can
for women
often the bargain is six betrayed betrayed sex for drugs in the bargain
though they get more than just the high from the drug
many of the men who frequent the crack houses
in addition to smoking ***
or intravenous drug users
very popular today
he's the shoot *** and *** together
scoffs people
twice that
well you see
dot understand something about the pharmacology of the drug inspect on the
*** will his estimate when i'm very powerful stimulant
and it will it excites the part of the brain
very much of the pleasure center of the brain
and you'll get very very high
problem is with the height you get the hardier fall
and what they discovered is by putting ***
ends in a hypodermic
to the sandwich
they discovered that
once you get way high up
in a sort of cod released way
the heroine begins the kicking in right after
so you don't suffer
which will affect you sort of
parachute down to her
in the into pillows other nice ***
so that at the speed dialing the *** and *** gold
go together wonderfully for a lot of these fellas
that used to drugs that way
two women come in
thinking that liza guys don't use i_v_ drugs
independent sex with them
indo go back to their partners many of whom were unaware that they're using
log on to the crack house
they transmitted to their *** partners they had babies they have aids
and the babies will love to see kindergarten
to what extent is this one of the main problems in the drug culture letters and
do you see much of this is this really formal tremendous ok tremendously
everyday community should be
absolutely applauded for what they've done they have
really cut it down to his verbal virtually zero increase
in the gay community
yes you see people getting aids but these are people who were exposed to the
long before the publicity
that there was a connection between unsafe sex practices and and the h_i_v_
amongst the the intravenous drug use in the rose to drug culture
there was almost
no talking to them
uh... we have to get tempted to the new york new york city board of health
certain people a wait out into the intravenous drug abuse in community
attempting to to get them to use protected sex if they're going to have
and it's virtually
impossible after remember these people
uh... these people don't
they'll have a warm horizons they'll think of life in terms of along horizon
so up in a very resigned to defeat to the idea that life is going to be very
short for them
so to talk to them about safe sex and about not getting aids
and not giving a set of people
they've been a very difficult community to rage
and that's why you see such an explosion of aids in the intravenous drug user
essentially that has been the bridge than heterosexual community
because it's true the i_d_ drug users
and their partners that it gets bigger heterosexual population
weather just fatalistic the fact that uh... i mean they all should know by now
that if they share needles or libelula get aids
and yet they continue to do it
they just uh... unlike you say this is the short term outlook and they say oh
well but i think it would be in the community while you are exposed i think
they basically take the view of the actor
you know i've been shooting drugs uh... fraph
for a four or five years of six years or three years of two years
and um... i would have been exposed
it's also one of my good worry about that you know
this biz this b
horse is already gone out born here
so victor
they don't have any way they basically i think they're thirty day review their
view is that i might as well enjoy what little life of got left
there are two drugs which cause more deaths than any of the
illegal drugs and those are the legal drugs of uh... uh... cigarettes and
tobacco products
and alcohol
can you give us an idea of the
of those two of the beverly illegal drugs as far as uh... yeah that suit you
know that that's really interesting we're not going to high school i got
talking high schools quite a bit and um...
as spend more of our trip questions
as i said what are the most popular drugs in the world of course
that used to hearing about *** in
and marijuana *** angel personnel as deep
and inherently like
unless they're usually their answers them by surprise right on the three most
popular drugs in the world
alcohol nicotine
a caffeine
they're very surprised personally don't think opposes drugs after all drugs are
and water if their drugs when we do and selling them
but you're right frank i think you're questioning sat
we have a blind spot when it comes to make it to you now called the sculpture
uh... i'm paul so people are also very surprised
considering the attention is put on illegal drugs and how devastating and
deadly they all are
when they find out the statistics
anywhere there's anywhere between four hundred and four hundred fifty thousand
people die every year
from alcohol nicotine related disease
you know cancer heart disease and his team in the like
but two years ago the statistics were
less than sixty eight hundred people died totally from direct effects
overwhelming illegal drugs in united states combined
so that means
that more people die
in one week
from alcohol nicotine related diseases in one year
all the other illegal drugs combined
so one might ask
why is it that we have this double standard
i think you have to look at
but not only the politics we have to look at the economics here
to looking at it
mel t-ball team billion dollar industries of
of cigarettes and alcohol
with the great political life
influx handles media influence medium glamorizes the usf
of tobacco alcohol itself
parts and socialize isn't on our sins in the news programs other drugs is so this
is obviously a part of the source of the double standard neglected that this
i'm not taking this drug council very glad that we we do that when i was
and we do point the finger at nicotine alkyl
uh... i'm just uh... you know i think it's extremely important are very
dangerous i think we are as a society
getting away from glamorizing cigarettes and you can see it today or the
you're going to restaurants there's no smoking sections were playing you can't
i do applaud these tuesday's but the fact that matters
is that we should understand
partly or problem of focusing in on illegal drugs
is that we forget
that in walking what are your novel
all of us
body into
the drug culture
i think it i'd say it sometimes when i'll be talking to groups
now we have a society it's basically
are an addict addicts are us
with you
but of all of its only by basically singling alcan isolating illegal drug
that we've we don't understand
how much and we have in common they have in common with the rest of us
s somebody who drinks four five cups a day
of coffee
how they feel the morning if they don't get their cup of coffee
and we're going to pull off
at somebody's trying to give up smoking difficulties to give up smoking
those people are addicted
mark twain's famous line was resisted
you'd rather do it
tried giving up smoking he said yes thousands of talking to her husband
well they former attorney at law attorney general surgeon general
said that that is the most addictive uh... substance very very powerful very
para powerful drug with the kidney continue on my point
it isn't just the problem addiction is not just those things which we can just
into our body
a lot of people are now beginning to see addictions in a much broader context
are beginning to see
we're not only society that
is drinking and driving ourselves to death but it's also a society that
i'm guessing listen we couldn't just go to eighty eight tonight what they need
to know i don't know comics anonymous of *** anonymous
we could go to get wasn't honest
female actually if you have people before you who are gambling we asked
them why they gamble
the real gamble will tell you unbearable for the money idea before the action
boys get loose a agents
napa iacocca's that was a compulsive gambler
i was once a guy that
at twenty one years of age
i'd come out of a card game f_d_r_ blue with a bunch of
no-fat building
cigar smoking bad breath guys until eleven o'clock in the morning in a
beautiful spring day playing cards although i don't know what i'd say
when's the next game
he had a complete cook it's a hooks into me idea because i love the juice i would
love that
feeling of exhilaration in power
values to play in gambling
it was wonderful because i always feel
a sense of mastery one-on-one but always had the ability to say i had bad luck
when i lost
so was a kind of convenient out but i love gambling gambling scandals in italy
it was very much addiction
and it was interdiction would suit my needs for excitement
i'm ideas from my own profile i mean excitement junkie you're a lot of people
exile island fries
fill the hole in my life
here this is what needs to let that one in society drives
people to gambling to addiction
the drought style called a little bit different the fruits of programming and
so it's still the other server doubt about it
elicit something lacking in society is an emptiness alcohol
in society referred to as i said to people sometimes i say to people listen
the next time you go to the refrigerator late at night i want you to how will you
take inventory
are you going because you're hungry
or or used are you looking for some the because your
mhm angry lonely or tired
a lot of people are not looking to feed a hungry stomachs wahan bahar
looks a lot of people aboard
in their everything they're lonely tire in your stressed out there fatigue
and we look for comfort and consolation refrigerator
how many of us have and fell better i don't like
icon roy sometimes dealing with these acts all day long and i have to walk
past the pizza place
actually i found out i don't have to look past it now and that's why i'm not
going to the pizza place
wedding carlton b
like jack carl unlimited you feel better
but you know for a while it does make me feel better
so i was opting for working people offer phone people off for gambling
they were also a society that
berlin addiction if people always applaud
and that's workaholics
call somebody and there are several popular
but think again about op-ed piece of the price
factor the matter is people who work in themselves to death
people gambling people overeating
less that phrase shop you drop
when the going gets tough tough go shopping
how do you think that's about
it's about your point up so now we are trying to fill up we are sasakawa
we've taken distraction to a high or
now will be trying to distract ourselves from
i think drugs in these addictions fulfill legitimate needs of our society
which our society frustrates
i think we have a mean
four commuting which in a very individualistic
every man for himself dog-eat-dog araceli society
is not fulfilled i think we have a need for community
i think we have a need to have a sense of belonging
many of us don't come from families where we had a chance the belong
videos rossello deeply wounded from what happened to us or fairly settings
it's a horrible whoever story
so no one's a story about
dysfunctional families
i mean i was out
i'm a radical
i grew up
went to college i've ever heard about a dysfunctional family but look at a
dysfunctional family
i thought was an alcoholic
where does that mean was he assembled them barry bonds
absolutely not he took care of business
in fact many drink
he was a sort of happy-go-lucky guy
problem is when you call them on a rolling into the drunk
he mused about his explosive and unpredictable as you could ever get
inist children i can remember like when you come through the door we all stand
like mice
because you had no idea
what what was good face you
so i grew up in a very chaotic environment a very unpredictable while
at the very
very explosive moment
where there was a lot of physical abuse there was a lot of
yelling and screaming and arguing
in fact i like to tell people when i get to talking about this sort of thing it's
pleasurable but
there were two
emotions in my house
there was really hard anger
and ice-cold attachment
in fact i can remember still dream
all those on the oldest of five children to remember all of us retreating into
the television set to watch eyes bosnian harriet leave it to be renewed donna
reed show
in thinking
how come our family is not like this how come
dad doesn't act like this and how come on the same like this
and i thought with the clintons children use all of our own ruble
that you think something's wrong with me
why doesn't that love me
you know the way
you know aussie love stephen ricky
it was uh...
the police cars
at this point mylife forty years of age
i have no rancor bitterness
towards my dad
my dad himself is the
child of to alcoholics both of my grandparents' rockwall x
he had been physically abused as a child
he only passed on what you know
we've always known that alcoholism and drug abuse run in families
it certainly is taking a devastating toll on my family
i said on the oldest of five children
one of my brothers
growing up in that kind of of the environment
were all of the
emotional baggage it it isn't being essentially a
of victim of almost wartime conditions
when we talk about battered children to really talk about the same
syndrome as vietnam veterans post-traumatic stress disorder
it's uh... it could lead you a sense of emptiness that leaves you always tense
europe you always feeling inside the
there's always feelings of failure this extreme feelings of low self esteem
well to get that one of my brothers
first got into marijuana and later at seventeen graham sixteen herself into
who's a *** addict for eleven years
as was his wife
and uh...
removed uh...
there lived a horror story of an existence
today are told that they had two children their children were taken away
the one st parent student
they were very
he lived in the streets after a while
even families are supportive
basically have to cut you lose
because the colon everybody down and we know when they steal the furniture for
the third time
would come home to find out sandy
we know in a row
when we do everything they can defeat their habits
eventually have to cut them loose
my brother that life and his wife live a life for eleven years
came home one day and said i wanted to know what i'm gonna get myself in a
methadone program
methadone in one of them six months was very *** his liver yet had hepatitis
you get out the types of course before you can get aids
used to get appetizers sharing dirty needles looked like it so much worse
he got a method i mean it was bent on his liberty starts picking up lets you
got off in about six months ago because he got out of the neighborhood
through the neighborhood influences were
more difficult
some of the south jersey his wife of the south jersey raising their kids they
bought a house
together kids and i think it's back in the white house today when we were
together they beat the habit my brother was drug-free for five years he was
six foot two hundred and eighty five pounds a beautiful man he was talking
about early retirement and i are raising the sixty thousand dollars is a copy of
the last year of his life
the story i have to tell us he comes home
one day from work
and um...
he says uh... i don't have time to go live into into a seat
so he went to bed thinking you'd be better the next morning he got up to me
he didn't need to come to a hospital beaded skin on his brain
they found we had five tumors are his brain
it took a specimen of one of the tumors he had a lesions in on the brain
in the specimen showed he had aids
toxoplasmosis which is the neurological disorder that you sometimes get when you
have aids so finally showed up after all those years after five years of being
drug-free had been a sitting
silently incubating like a time bomb ticking away in the system
and i watch my beautiful brother his painful to me to talk about it
he was six to one hundred eighty five pounds
a ten-month siege with the raise seventy five thousand dot
and his wife
she's still alive she's alive
uh... she is inside the positive she says full-blown symptoms
but our understanding of the disease now frank is a lot is a lot better
and she's been being kept alive with a_z_t_ new number of other drugs sitter
it keep it alive but uh... she's lost a lot of weight
and she's a courageous gal
good mother to the kids
but what about your other siblings he said well management it's not where they
are waiting to hear slater farewell i'd say they were
that is adversely affected you get
i had another brother
i say had because uh...
the store that
my family album is in black voters
i love the brotherhood
presented very differently you can present themselves american success
story often happens when you come from dysfunctional troubled families
you're driven to succeed
bilbao and i in many ways that convince other people that you wrote something
and to deal with your own feelings of self worth and a failure
when he was driven to succeed he was very good he went to an early catholic
high school in staten island new york
and i went to here anyway do you play football when awaiting to your
university liquid from some football there
he came back he took the family business that was making a million dollars a year
in may two to three million dollar your business
your dad's your dad's will dad's business
took a different million dollars a year
he got a brand new bmw he i don't
our new house
he spent more on clothes in one month and you and i would spend in five years
final because i want so american express before one month seven thousand dollars
just close
and spend that much maligned
uh... who are good for you tonight
so he he met with my brother wasn't uh... what
what sobibor called massive cover up
to deal with this test these feelings inside a flow self-worth
he wanted to do is best that convince other people it was a success
and on the outside he looks like an extreme success
but on the inside he was a
who was at scheduling angry depressed helpless
worried about whether his father was going to be done
he never dealt with that emotional baggage
you never had gotten to the bottom of that stuff
and he has to run
he just like to take
the press release them what to do exciting things that he and i had that
she had that characteristic were excitement junkies right
heat he made me look like a pica
i mean i gained more than i did a few things but
he really was we're talking
major league
he would uh...
skydiving led to japan airplanes
heat-driven motorcycles eighteen ninety miles an hour
he'd limbo and i mean give a big-time once watched him remember now it's a
three million dollar business so you can afford to do this at least a while
he wins best fifty thousand dollars on the superbowl
and i was with them in the room within twenty was
you bet you made that
and i watched the game with him
he lost a bet he never changed the expression on his face
my brother billy you can always maintain a cool exterior
putting up i'm okay
but you're the only way you can do that
was a little help from our friends
in this case used to take values like six eight ten a day
he's taken my guests like lifesavers i guess begin they were lifesavers and he
thought of the time
and that helped write
mellow him out cuisines obviously under a lot of tension
and only gives you a drink
maybe a court have distortion of after would be about his nights consumption
in one night he was drinking with his friends
collapse at the bar they said well
he's drunk
them sleep it off to the back seat of the car
they put him in the back seat of car left in your own to sleep it off
leon forts and left him with his head back
the body is a magnificent britain engineer with the baghdad's into
rosewood has a poison and wants to get rid of it
with his head back like this in obviously was unconscious he threw up
and they had no place to go
and literally drove his own bombing yes fixing the choke to death
so in space of six
months are lost to younger brothers
at baroda both
very sad
with this shows that
drug abuse is not
focused on the poverty-stricken
and the people and and buyer consequences
uh... your emotional nepal a book on the elmo tional
abortion regret is that it is
is an equal opportunity destroyer here
let me let you know five people in their you'll find people in the highest ash
alonso of uh... of
of government in politics in the economy
often often abandoned or neglected children after all
they're very driven people
they're people who work long sixty seventy eighty hour weeks
as i talked about before work all ism
sounds fine except you're neglecting somebody you're neglecting your spouse
you neglecting their children
in many ways you neglecting yourself
if we are to grow as many cited beings
we have to do more than just be single-mindedly obsess with work or any
other addiction which happens in the addictive process
as i said at the beginning of the program of on the battlefield medic
as a battlefield medic i have to help people with the close of in front of me
who come into my office
and so i have to help them and try to get them into treatment try to get them
into therapy
tried it try to help their children get into day care
i do i care
by always know that basically i'm fighting a losing battle i'd just don't
have enough
resources that my disposal
also know that i'm also helping people
where the damages for the most part already done
to me
we have another role and it's a rule that most people the drug treatment
we're all in fact most social workers
to play
and that's really was a social and political activist
because we have to be thinking about
how to read will you be how we changed social arrangements
so that we don't have people using
these kinds of drugs to search it is
did destructive effect on your lights
and to me the drug issue
as radical implications for the rest of society from top to bottom
you're talking about poverty talking about a redistribution of income
if you're talking about loneliness
you talking about creating institutions where people can feel a sense of
remember everyone out of every five americans united states movie every year
we really are a rootless unconnected people
it's really a continuation of the great migrations from europe where we came
left our families left our communities came to america
and brought into our go west young men ruthlessness
i think that's played a tremendous cost
i think we are you know
as david rees monroe in nineteen sixty along the crowd
horoscopes later wrote in nineteen seventies the pursuit of loneliness i
think were a lonely people
we often find solace
we also
in in drugs and other ethnic addictions
those stories make me think that there's a lot more involved
in solving the drug problem then just say no as we mentioned reagan uh...
would have adjusted lock 'em up from the jail course broyard or send a boot camp
like they're talking about here shock incarceration camps um...
locking people up action lock 'em up fevers is is really sweeping the country
right now
they're talking about locking up drug users not just dealers but drug users
evening casually issue and in fact i mean we already have uh... most people
probably are aware that we already have
are more people walk highest percentage of people of our population lockup
then any other country in the world
other than south africa
and there are some southern states i think you're for southern states at the
higher per capita locker parade in south africa
you know i'm not surprised so we already are jails already full
and that we know in places like new york you spend fifty thousand dollars to put
people person in jail
and yet we will not spend
we will not spend the money necessary to have good day care systems
good family therapy you talk about thirty doug
i'll talk about just drug treatment
oddly people every day who come to me and say
i'm ready to give it up
i had enough
and you know
in this country we have drug treatment
but it's a class system
there over five thousand
treatment centers in united states at a private treatment centers the spending
that's cost anywhere from five hundred two thousand dollars a day
now you know the well-heeled we better have in major medical wrap-around
insurance to be able to put those treatment centers
that excludes people on medicaid almost thirty seven million americans who do
not have who are working americans who cannot afford
how have private health insurance and i are eligible for medicaid
they are locked out of our treatment centers
you're locked out
for some you don't have a drug problem east at least at your own up to four
that rose so so will i get people all the time we want help
and i have to tell them
if they have medicaid
well on the nafta perch on a waiting list for two to three months to get you
into tip into a long-term residents did you write orson somebody's using drugs
that we are ready to write they're coming in
you put them back on the street
if their first of all using needles
you got a chance to go to show you what so many of the greatest diverted our
spouse they're gonna give it to a baby-boomer will affect is tremendous
we need to be giving people treatment on demand
in england but we're going to cost saver
but the problem in our country is
is that why would we
pro acts
when i'm not willing to give the poor help
reagan was always talking about
giving the deserving poor
well everybody in our society does not seem alex is deserving the
as deserving poor
that most people think of addiction
and drug use
as a self-inflicted wound they have only themselves to believe
i mean i have a close relative
any law
who tells me
she knows that she herself is that
that child of an alcoholic
her father ran away from a large family when she was a small child
but your conscience of
you know jack i just don't buy your argument about these acts you know you
just always crying a blue streak about these
i got no sympathy for them
everybody arrives has crosses to bear
you don't have to use drugs
and i think that's the position most people believe that if if you want to
give up trends in just a matter of true grit
it's just a matter of you know
pulling up there was an emotional bootstraps and
in britain to it
that i think it's a lot and i think it's a lot more deeper than that we need
people writing health and services
and leave the country are particularly hard hearted
when it comes to drugs
i'll give you an example when asp anyway about the spent eight point eight
billion dollars
in north were on drugs
seventy percent of values for law enforcement
only thirty percent of it
whisper prevention
and treatment
and even that a lot of the whole goto bureaucracies or two
programs and in fact they were not down to the streets to really help the people
there i don't think i will i work in a drug treatment agency and i can tell you
drug treatment is important but i will also tell you it that
but focusing on treatment
is in fact
closing the barn door after the horse is gone
we need to be thinking about effective prevention
an effective prevention used to be looking at
what is the dynamics in the society which is producing pete
that's so much to stress that people feel the need to use drugs in the first
weirder things i did not talk about
is that we talk about drugs we don't we were not aware of
terrorized people who use drugs
on runway mentally ill
um... a psychiatrist danielle data is serving a few years ago seven hundred
and fifty acts
in at seven fifty ice they found a eighty five percent of them we're either
borderline schizophrenics manic-depressive sporty suffered heavy
depressive disorders
they worked
or had panic disorders or exotic disorders
so many ways that taking up substances was an attempt to self-medicate the
because we don't really have a great for these people to do you know
with their problems when held after rabin therapy is certainly a rich man's
sport in this country
you go out and you try to get a therapist
outside of the university of texas where mike you will get one of the student
uh... the hospital there and you don't know if you're not to be able to put it
it's fifty sixty two d ninety dollars a prowl
into group therapy can just go once a week ago up to three times a week who
can afford it
so it's a classic baron treatment center we have
you're also not looking at the root causes of the addiction in the first
well that uh... if things from of what you're saying that uh... there are
basically three
reasons we
because the people take drugs ones for excitement like you say the others for
and the third is to lessen
emotional pain
you flip those upside down and say
spotlights a societal the total societal disorder where
why do people need excitement or most all good everybody's lives boring as
there were quite boring as their family life morning
and holiday skipping from why do they need to skate
and then the paint what causes the pain that people are trying to escape or
frank you were a radical u
and that's exactly what they would we talked about before is that in fact
drugs in some measure
legitimate needs of people have
let me talk about this you know you listen to people like bill bennett say
well this is a hedonistic society
this is a pleasure or reacted society this is a do your own thing society
frankly this is a society which in fact
has its nose to the grindstone
we now have
families where
dash two b two paychecks
everybody's out working
everybody is goal oriented
it's out you know like the commercial says word absolutely positively has to
be there overnight
this is a production oriented society
value work work work
i'm really get pleasure actually we deprives uniform of commodities
commodities in the former foes
uniforms of things that shock part of our passover
spectator culture
and why would passive
customers come home deadbeat
ras dragon from a day's work
and about the only energy we have left
is to put ourselves into the easy chair buffing up on the hassidic get the
remote control
and so it was one of the burned to a good mood
and take that i did
that's pleasure i don't think that's player buyerzone with a bear regular
with some other means to distract ourselves
we're not a society that is a little encourages pleasure
i think were in fact the society but still has a good deal of a puritan ethic
or in my sense that i am andres catholic and was always liked most about
feeling good he's being captured
not really not lifestyle is not doing a good
jack it sounds to me like we're talking about our strike in the u_s_a_ that we
need a lot of social
restructuring and social change in our society we need a new set
on values a new set of social institutions
social relations there it really does competitive stress society the social
darwinism that's the survival of the fittest were if you don't make it
there's really no institutions no safety net no hell to take care of you it's
this individualism gone berserk in a mock in our society that's really at the
bottom of this drug problem and if we don't
star change in attitude
towards values towards work towards everything as well as our institutions
we're not going to really be able to deal with this uh... drug problem begin
dealing with the drug problem we need to talk about new drug treatment programs
we meet our programs out there that will help addicts
get off the street that will help people deal with drug problems that to me it
sounds like this also involves psychiatric treatment counseling
as well as just something programs writing about the donner whatever
education to get people off of uh... drugs will clearly if you were if you
see drugs is symptomatic
then you look what the problem is
and for me the problem is www and it's very easy to get somebody off the drugs
he's been in a five day detox or attend a detox
and nobody is now clear the drug although it's really a medical
treatments all your medical treatment in fact is only doing a symptomatic level
when you put them back in an environment
an environment where
theory and opportunity
their environment where
they have lots of stress or environment which is not
has become really have not been able to address a lot of the underlying
emotional difficulties they hacked
then you're going to relax they're going to go back
and so you have to begin thinking about
this tissue much more holistic kind of way
and much more populistic kind of way than you find policymakers in washington
with very easy sloganeering is about the war on drugs
determined to rebuild the cities it seems to me that the drug
cultures are precisely that
its whole urban ghettos whole subcultures
where there is nothing to drug use everywhere you looked until you
eliminate the drugs subcultures you're going to have literally millions of
people soprano going on here this is the part problem of the part of the
we uh... executed it's at freeze that's developed in the last eighteen years
that used to be
from our class perspective you had you know you had put the ruling class and
then yeah the working class
and then we have american sociology did like the concept of a ruling class so
they developed a are companies that there's a welders there's a new lease
and then there's the middle class and then math basically all of us a
middle-class but the fact is we now have a uh... a group of people who were a lot
in going nowhere
mate millions of people are going well where were you planning to anything you
can really have their life prospects are very dim
and and as a and as a political system we've given up on these people
i mean the conservatives never
you never really um... had much hope for them
edward benfield a a conservative urban the organist stover knowledges said
years ago though we should think of the city as a as a as a as a sandbox
that's right the city's off let's understand that that basically decadent
we have not heard nothing we can do for these people
the hopelessly pathologically degenerate anyway yes he said to kind of
cordon off the cities
to keep the people and
and import toys like a sandbox toys
i_v_ drugs and things like this
into the cities
keep the people
spaced out
or occupied
and don't let 'em out
and that weight you they witnessed infect the rest of fighting you would
have to do anything more about this was
and that's the it looks like this is kind of what is happening that was part
of his fingers it's not just the conservatives
beginning around in the nineteen seventies with with the juke jimmy
when he began talking about government of limits
on government we would have to lower our expectations he began saying things like
you cannot expect government to solve our problems
debbie can a sort of new york liberalism
fiscal conservative moves on the part of all the liberals that said
whistle we'd love to solve all problems in the world but
we can't throw money at every problem
and so even liberals there's no consensus today as that once we gave lip
service to during the johnson administration of the great society to
addressing these problems
we basically written these people off
and that we actually went into more for the time when they cannot help
themselves 'cause we're running shoes with
that no one addresses
is a lot of these disco underclass of people
have been rendered technologically obsolete their labor
is now we don't get
because i've looked at my irish grandfather did when he came from europe
in the two of the century
was to go down to the docs and in on the west side of new york
and to do it they use the called don t labor and you always are the irish to do
don t aces
and he wants to persuade opus lenders brower newsbon n in his back
dubbed himself some kind of a life
dot shop doesn't exist for people
it's been replaced those kind of manufacturing hard
hard labor jobs and replaced by machinery who had been sent abroad to
cheap labor markets
you know i have a core of twenty to twenty five percent of the population
we literally had no meaningful well-paying work force
the only thing they have
only prospects than in front of them
is flipping burgers at wendy's
which you can you can live on those uh... salaries you can live on the
and then one of the reasons why we're talking about drugs and why people use
drugs but was elected as a
clinic all kind of drugs
today in new york city there are sections of new york city that are
coming back to life because why
because the drug money gets infusing the renaissance
parts of the east new york in queens
with the jamaicans
and the rest of them
the rest of the drug gangs park
pouring that money back into the community
actually nixon and the republicans finally got black capitalism but now
it's in the form of the drug economy uh... on the other hand his other calls
parts of the city that are just uh... destroyed yes
where the crime the crack houses that makes it impossible
as a living in a habitat
an impossible to exclude that drug culture alicia literally live it
indicated how can you leave
male who has the who has the dollars to leave it i don't want blacks a lot of
the blacks that i treat
in as a drug counselor are making decision to leave and go back south
uh... that's about the only thing to some of them have uh... some of their
role is down at the corner is oversold earlier patterns
exactly don't take a look for opportunities now they go back
opportunity to have to live
because new york city in the other urban ghettos
just are really uninhabitable at this point
waved we've been talking about a lot of things we don't talk about leaving the
crime what it's like to live in these war zones
where people are getting
people getting innocent people are doing the right dot he's getting towards these
terra four is that are happening mini-series teenage death rates are just
incredible read several articles in the times
about this
jack one thing we haven't talked about here is the issue of drugs and social
it seems that obviously that wants uncertain labor force
is obsolete technologically the society doesn't really care about them so dry
it's become a method of social control to keep the underclass doubt dekhi ta
supplied a potentially interested force the nineteen sixties was precisely in
the urban ghettos who had black sporter returns chicago's people are different
racism origins
were a radical political force you don't see this anymore
the drug culture as rock as has destroyed the radical political
subculture the makes one think that they may be people
different groups in our society
maybe using drugs as instruments of social control
we are not the first to bring that up
uh... in fact uh... malcolm x_
lacking was a ruler
i so i sort take just recently with him saying that nineteen sixty four
just before his assassinating sixty five were you saying that
uh... you know with more on the planes
it's widely it's bringing the ceiling it's a way for us to be
chilled out it's a way for us to be
pacified it's a way for our people to be market ties
i don't know if there's any conscious cobol conspiratorial cleek at top
that is sort of crafty enough to divine who sell pretty malevolent uh...
technique of social control
but it certainly ready or not it's its
by design it certainly works out that way
and a lot of people are threatened by people who say that uh... during urban
riots in the sixties and seventies
but suddenly there was an enormous infusion of drugs from the outside to
cool off
about had to be a
something that was planned and control but i think it is frank items i don't
see it is that i'd think that there's so much money at stake when it comes to
that unjust think back to a circle example separate or the cop in new york
tried to be an honest cop right
there's so much drug money floating around into the sixties and seventies
bag basically everybody can get bought off everybody can get a piece of the
action so it may look at the fact that
that everyone is approving of it in that at the top
is basically calling the shots the people of top quality shots
but it really is that there's so much money that
almost nobody is immune to do it
being brought off in bright
and so it looks like well the whole communities getting infested
who's there to do the job who's been at the stop it from coming in
the police can be bought
he's kind of dollars they're talking about a lot of money projected that the
facts of the matter are that uh... one it's been tolerated
for several decades every drug use
in the ghettos and other parts united states have been tolerated despite the
war on drugs that mix n reagan-bush another right winners of the ***
they really haven't done anything
they have heard you like to get the
all that but let's talk about this or a now what would you like to know that
would you like them to start locking people up
that mixing bowl all those the point is they haven't done the things that were
talking about the weather the origin
of the drug problem right that it's not really ghetto life
uh... but i'd say you have a different ideology
their difference takes their different
to have different gender
that privilege to protect they have their power to protect
there's all ideologies built into america that if
you know if you can make it you can make it on your own even if you growing
come up in the worst of circumstances to hard-working ambition
you could rise up on your own bootstraps i mean this is not a culture of it
so it looks out for the week
is not a culture that you know shorts too many tears about the poor
i mean i'm not surprised are not surprised i i'm not surprised that
they're not looking into arrangements
social arrangements which they see
as part of the uh... nature
i don't think that uh...
don't think that this class suppression they think this is life
at is their life is with us in this losers we're sorry but some people have
to move started going up it was that i think it's important to see that really
the war on drugs is declared by bush
and all the right wing solutions to the drug problems are simply soon assunto
solutions that really count work and don't work let's take the um...
of day drive to the source we hear a lot about
columbia *** cartel we talked about using u_s_ troops
there without the colombian south america
and destroy drugs at the uh... source why do you think this is a pseudo
solution to it really sort of a smoke screen all over the whole
usually my mind you know i would think it was a simple solution how do you know
that i don't think it's a terrific idea a lot because of the cuts are those who
fought for what they're cutting back on
well actually
i don't think it's much of the solution i think in fact um... its
there's a tendency on the part of american culture always look for outside
agitators to blame
always look for uh... ektu external lies the problem think of uh... some
some bad apples in the battle moods american system is basically a good
battle we've got a few bad apples and we'll get rid of the bad apples we've
got a
basically good
circa institutional arrangements here
so it's easy to blame you know the drug cartel
in general noriega
and the contras
and *** production
just as we blame the turks nixon blame the turks in turkey
further *** production
or the cambodians and laotians in the ties
for the golden triangle production
back in the sixties and seventies
i think really pitched diversionary
because five years from now maybe even two years from now we will not be
talking about ***
*** will be passe
like good old american know-how and technology we have now replacing
natural products we've
synthetic products
the markets abroad the drugs of the future of going to be synthetic
mating clandestine and secret laboratories
high school chemist
i'm going to be able to make money
i see it now is of drugs like ice in ecstasy
and crank
these overall synthetic drugs
much more powerful in many ways much more deadly
then the natural products
so it again might might argue means
weiqi focusing upon noriega and the car insurance and the drug cartels
the realities
what is it about american culture
leads us all right
to want to use drugs
i think there's a very important factor here and that is that you were talking
about that reagan and bush and and you're right wingers welling jimmy
this was a very important for them to keep this drug thing going as the big
study group and california few years ago where they
police fall over the country they said hey we don't want to eliminate crime
because then we'd be out of a job
so we gotta keep enough of this going to keep i'd just like uh... levi's
qualitative one eliminate vice city town they wouldn't have anything to do they'd
be out of a job so you gotta keep it going
but the people they uh... reagan's in the bushes of the world date we want to
use this so-called war on drugs and want to stop it raa bush was in charge of
interdiction of drugs spent billions of dollars that during the reagan
administration and drug importation is only increased but you know what you
think they're using the drug war on drugs too
curtail civil liberties of ordinary people or maybe just casual users
they also are using it as a method of
of mucking around and the third world i noticed that uh... the president of
planned uh... the american sent uh...
different types of military armaments down there to help fight against a
colombian drug cartels he said hey wait a minute
this isn't the type of equipment we need to fight the drug cartels but it's
perfect if you want to use it against the uh...
the it uh... left-winger insurgent guerrillas
and the same thing i noticed improved to levy a one million americans to go down
there advisors there down there under the supposedly a fight drugs but what if
they don't they're not fighting the drug lords and all thereafter the left-wing
guerrillas who are trying to overthrow the government to what say you know
forces are there a lot of agendas and excuses that they've got to keep this
drug war going or something i like about alternative use never s leading
questions on the show
nafta after i got out of another leading question for you a lot of the liberals
and libertarians
in response to this right wing war on drugs
the races repressive of our civil liberties and has
extended interventionist foreign policy
they say had it was just legalizing will get rid of organized crime and the
criminalization of drugs we can solve the present problem withers conserve
people in prison the customs you said earlier fifty thousand dollars a day for
the state to take out what i would just decriminalize drugs of some people on a
destroy themselves okay we can use some of the money from the profits from drugs
for rehabilitation programs for other people don't want to get off road rides
what's wrong with this libertarian legalization um... aren't only they also
say that the price will go down on drugs
and therefore that the the addicts uh... the people who use them won't have to go
uh... on mother's day uh... beat up on that
the uh... ladies that
little old ladies who are getting their welfare checks or there or social
security checks
they won't have to
*** themselves in order to get money because the price will be lower
for all the problems are going to be solved by
legalization right
so i think what yourself with legalization
in on the face of its it's a fairly attractive in
it's a very tightly reasoned article of of places
uh... i think what you'll do as you probably have it decreased in property
which of course if you have properties always very
people understood doing if you have property and
and milton friedman and william f_ buckley a number of conservatives said
put this fluid
as a means to do with the drug problem but i'm not talking about the drug from
there we were talking about the crime problem
well that's not properly i mean people get mugged on the streets uh... well yes
i feel that's the way myself up if you have a lot and i think i i think that's
i think that's the that's the carter i think that's the cover story
i really think that these uh...
from a practical standpoint
legalization is
a complete mess
let me just let me just pose it to you
we have laws now in this country every state
that says if you're a bartender
you cannot serve a inebriated or intoxicated person
in fact in places like new york
you have legal liability which says the few
if you've said that we need a few surgeon intoxicated person that did that
last week and that person goes out that has an accident
you are responsible for
the damages you can be sued
now i would ask you
if you are typically would it have state-supported drug
clinics actually state-supported crack houses
and somebody came in in one or two
at what point would you tell them that they had enough wasn't all that you've
had enough
he cannot anymore
do you know it's like to tell somebody who's who's who's been using *** or
you've had enough enough to have any more
first though we're going to have to have cops right here
christine restrains person he goes nuts in says i want more you're not going to
stop me
but let's say that he has
and that you give me now was worth the drugs
but two hours worth of drugs for three hours worth of drugs
how about the fact that we know that one
one single use of ***
can cause a heart attack
as it did for len bias
the basketball star was to who was drafted by the boston celtics' died
right out one single used ***
he's a helping hand
special now we're learning about ***
and block it how it interrupts blood flow to the heart
are you going to give people enough
drugs to let them kill themselves
if they kill themselves which is that going to be responsible who's going to
be held responsible when they do that
are you going to allow pregnant women to get drugs
enemy state-supported crack houses or drug gangs
cause we know what the effects of on the fetus of drugs we know that
a single use of of *** can stroke a fetus
content can break the press center or for any can bleed to death in the womb
will allow pregnant women to have it
everyone enjoy going to stop people from going in visibility fourteen
sixteen eighteen twenty-one
for those people you don't allow linking a state-supported
crack houses
legalized drug dennis
reckoning colville go to a black market
the black market will still exist
for the youth for pregnant women for those people who don't belong to it to
have any more than their
they're they're they're day their relation
i think it's a
complete folly
and i think of one u_s_ political people
i'm not just the drug kills launch the lunar political hack
we should understand that this is basically
has an agenda
it's part of the final solution
to read underclass
the legalization legalization
you don't want to
keepin under uk a chemical yoke
for the rest of their natural wives
and those lives will be much shorter
and by the way when you talk about crime will be good down
having grown up as a child of an alcoholic
i know that the kind of devastation that
that a person under the influence can do to children
onto love ones around them
what do you think these people are going
getting high at crack at kent state security crack houses
what do you do when they go on to their families and loved ones
can you imagine what what life is going to be like driving in cars
it's bad enough to fifty thousand people get killed on the highways from
from drugs
what is life going to be like when you know that the dying guy who was driving
along side you in the next lane has just come out of our out of a crack house
i think life will be much more explosive
much more dangerous much worse i don't want to see people have
much more accessible hassle-free drugs
i think we just need to deal with root causes
and legalization doesn't do with would cost
legalization just use with the symptom
they want tribes will give the more drugs just lead us a while
if you want to kill yourself go right ahead
none of our business
jack criminalization hasn't worked together as interesting
plus as we talked about that uh... very first of the program a long time ago
*** sapien and other animals abuse cycle that's uh... active substances
ever since they've been in existence
so you have a
contradiction here do you not about how you how are you going to prohibit on one
something which
seems to be
inherent andy human species
the desire for
some type of
deep desire i think it human beings have
is a desire for
for pleasure
desire for
four belonging
a desire for meaning and purpose in their life
the desire to be connected to other human beings and meaningful way
a desired
to maybe have
and out of mind experience u_s_ to experience pleasure excitement
sure these folks attend school we have other means for people to to reduce
his native is meditation as all kinds of this this massage this relax ation
we can be teaching people we can be building into the culture
means other than chemical to help people do with
their emotional problems
i don't think that yes grimacing she hasn't worked at some of the strongest
pieces of the link though those who by the full legalization
is the criminalization doesn't work
i'm absolutely degree and it doesn't work
but legalization only make things worse
chuckling about uh... making a distinction between those drugs
that are known to be destructive and harmful tonight i say *** in the
latest surveys on *** do indicate they can bring heart attacks about crack
we know it's addictive and destructive which is a *** derivative that we
are so it is a society what drugs are definitely harmful or destructive but
it's ok ok *** crack et cetera alcohol so i'll call the serious ugly
why several of our listen we're left with is not a problem unless you went
about as rude legalization is that you could
hillary could
might be able to technically legalize ***
because a *** addict
could uh...
my tear off two or three times a day
but a *** addict kids were off six times an hour
but is this a solution legalize marijuana
legalize even *** some of these other
nutella kothi synthetics that um...
may delight
destructive in the same way that uh... crack *** et cetera are
so you provide some
closure of all
anxiety reducing experiences
for people when we are disappointing prescribed drugs in our society mean
doctors prescribe drugs
i mean pharmaceutical houses of the biggest pushes of drugs in the united
i mean we have a commercial it says for new print i think it says when you
haven't got time for the pain
cause marijuana and he'll say more destructive than alcohol tobacco
or *** or some of the chemical drugs or sorrow over the counter
one example throughout examples group of people that that i know who who have
who use mail marijuana have been truly
that they definitely have no memory loss
they definitely have short term memory loss
and underscores what i would in fact i thank you
you know you're a field trip mclaughlin
sos memory loss they really do they believe those issues of sterility
uh... they think it may be changed to me they're really cute they pay
hypothesize that there may be changing the genetic structure for marijuana
i think the jury is throughout the body using marijuana if i had to
rank or order
in terms of danger no marijuana doesn't break it in fact when i go out into the
high schools
i can tell the kids that will drugs are harmful to a drug czar destructive
i think i'm doing a disservice
i have to be make distinctions if they're going to use drugs
for some drugs are a lot worse than others there some drugs are a lot more
ste destructive than others think attorney legalization you're not willing
to say the any of the drug laws
should be treated as you see it more as a societal problem of getting into the
sources that causes appropriately clearly feeding a habit you're not
really getting to the source
and by the way
we are interested as radicals
included sizing people
in getting an active in being involved in their community
i can tell you from personal experience
the drugs
is not empowering
it cripples people
drugs does not build community it destroys community
drugs is not something that we as people who are thinking about pulling broader
political change
should be advocating because we would really serves to do
is basically market price people
incidence tenants accepting
road briefings are
as the
do you think that
we should re criminalize a use of alcohol and make the use of tobacco
products illegal
listen if i had my druthers
if i had my druthers uh...
people wouldn't drink
but see eye-to-eye i'd have to make a distinction there obviously people who
can integrate alcohol o couple of drinks or so into their life and it does not
destructive negative consequences leaders say the same thing about taking
a couple of uh... pups of marijuana or maybe a
piles of ***
well i suppose you can in fact there are people who use *** that way
uh... icon but the profile a person that i laid out to you people who've come
from highly dysfunctional families
who really never get to feel good except when they use chemicals those people are
very vulnerable i mean if you're talking about people in real life
have assets the flew back on it i mean just financial assets but they have
supported family
loving friends
they have a decent job
they have a nice place to live
sure big-name factory guests technically possible they could have drugs they can
integrate into their lives something they might do once in awhile
if you have people who have nothing else to report in their life
except drugs as a means to feel good
to feel better at least temporarily that's a power release
powerful seductive
ideas image and yet is laws now on the way they're using these laws they want
to throw all of these people and uh...
both groups the casual user they're not doing i don't think there's always or i
i'm glad to know i'd been are very observant all of the policy-making drug
making policy in the last few years
there has been a right wing agenda
basically to use
budget use drugs for pretty much lock it up about about a third of the population
of because some of these guys at their way
we're talking about
for awhile shooting down planes that they suspected of carrying
carrying drugs drug smuggling they were talking about
locking up first-time users they were talking about the death penalty for
making no distinction between most users are oftentimes dealers if the only way
to cut down on their overhead
they were talking about throwing uh... families abusers out of federal housing
but would you might be a
a mother raising six kids in your teenage son
uses dot sells drugs tennis court the whole family get so wrapped up in at a
federal housing
that was jack kemp's idea
well that didn't go through the congress
but first we shouldn't be sort of clumsy about the way we talk about politics in
there are people in washington who are fighting a civil libertarian
position who are basically trying to see drugs in a broader context
are trying to get treatment for alex
are trying to deal with the cinema prevented basis i think so far they've
been able to fight about this right wing agenda
quite yet i civil libertarian in units units
its import
but some other people pushing these odd noxious proposals are people like george
and william bennett who are two of the highest authorities in this country and
the so-called war on drugs so we have to be very vigilant of what their latest
program is going to be we have even mention this drug testing that there's
been a lot of problems about testing anyone who has a federal job
deadbeats when he was attorney general was telling employers they should give
drug test although ploys anyone who died in past is fired they should have checks
in the locker rooms in the parking lot since attar
so there is very serious attempts
to carry out a lot of drugs and we were on civil liberties
in this uh... country by the right wing so far the liberals have
more or less kept most of these extreme right wing upright was also liberals for
the whole time off is also considering movement we shouldn't forget there's
also conservatives who have fears of a polka strong big brother state
so there's always tomorrow liberals and and and conservatives and its
traditional sense about not wanting to see the growth of state power
as a check up on this unleashed
uh... anti-serb libertarians
for over but there's also a liberals have gone along with conservatives
on some of their social hour program this and at the rhyme drugs becomes
if there's some major murders laura senate
through a drug abuse et cetera its considerable congress to pass an
extremely repulsive
drug laws so i i think this is uh... a very dangerous
and very tense issue
for this uh... country until we do com with more humane and more rational
perspectives on the whole drug problem risk could easily be something the
conservative or even liberal politician stupid manipulate and very precious
what's really interesting thing about it is is it it's clear from watching zero
the circus
for several years now
is that drugs or a
political football
i think it's a very uh...
it's aware of an issue as a politician to run on after all who was overtly
gonna come out and say i'm for drugs you can't be stopped on drug users like you
couldn't be soft on communism that's so it's a really they really have no
they're really do is there's there's no
there's no cost the being
a drug warrior
but at the same time it's been a political football i think that the
discussion the way that bitterness of the debate
had been framed
howdy politicize the issue
by only talking about a war on drugs
would the public discussions but over the past
picks up the war should we go down to columbia should we extradite the the
leadership we destroy the crops should we lock up kickoff of care users
should we being executing po pushers should we be throwing people in a
federal housing
she would he had mandatory testing
but disc emphasis on tactic
has obscured
are much more fundamental examination a much more introspective approach that
would look at one of the underlying assumptions of the war
and basically both the democratic and republican parties have been
were parties in this matter
they both have been
a much more stringent attack
on drugs then they're looking at a much more holistic
larger context will understand
he really had not been for that
and that's precisely what we need and we're not getting that kind of
discussion computer of the major parties