Supta Padangustasana Three. Bend the right knee. Last time, take the strap around the balls of the toes and stretch straight up through the right leg. Then take the foot toward the left, and even the...
This next twist is a delicious hip opener and a twist and it's time to start transitioning from our reclining supine sequence. It's time to start transitioning to more like a restful...
Supta Padangustasana Two. So you bend the right knee, take the strap to the balls of the toes, and then stretch your right leg straight up towards the sky. As the right leg extends up, go back to the...
Start with both knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Create a curve in your lower back. Then bend your left knee, draw it in toward the chest and you're going to take your left arm inside the...
From Lunge Pose, take your back knee. Let's do the right knee this time. So, take your right knee down to the floor. Left leg is forward. Then, inhale and take your hands up to your front...
From Dandasana, bend your right knee and place the right foot on the floor inside the left leg. And, the right heel can be a little wider than the sits bone. That should give you some more space. It...
Our next pose is Dandasana. It's really like the quintessential pose out of which all of our others seated postures come from. It's kind of like the mountain pose, what the standing...
I'm Linda Black. We're going to move now into another warrior series. Stepping back with the right leg. We'll start off in Warrior 2 position. With the arms extended, the chest...
From Dandasana bend your left leg. As you bend your left leg place it inside the right thigh and then you can walk it a little bit more to the left to give yourself more space. Make sure that both...