I'm Linda Black. We're going to do a sequence here for the spine, extending to the side, and then to the back. It's very healthy to do. This is typically or traditionally...
Hi I'm Linda Black. We are moving into a balance area. This is where we get to have a lot of fun and just like a toddler learning how to walk they get uneven. They don't cry or whine...
(opening music) RODNEY: Stand at the front of your mat. Step your feet about 6 inches apart from each other. Mountain pose. Press both heels down evenly into the ground. Move your body to get more...
This next pose can be a very powerful hip opener and a twist. It's the final pose in our series so we'll really go for it. So, start by bringing your right knee to the floor in front...
Let us move to the floor and do some stretching for the front side and the back side at the same time. So, you have come from seated position. You are going to extend the legs forward into Staff Pose....
So as you begin to wake up and revive, shaking off the cobwebs a little bit. Those last postures, I said you could do them right in your bed, and that's true. This one, you're probably...
So this next pose, once you've rocked a whole bunch of dolphins and you're feeling really, really strong through your arms, through your shoulders and everything, this is the grand...
Hi I'm Jill Wedmore and today I'm going to teach you a great routine you can do right before you go to bed to help you calm your mind and have a restful sleep. Let's come into...
From Padottanasana take a wide leg stance. So, it's like four to five feet apart. Make sure that your second toes are parallel to each other; that they're making a line straight...