One legged forward bend

With a wall assisted leg stretch, we very simply want to put one leg about, a foot away from the wall. And reach our hands out, to touch it. And then what we're going to do is, we're...
What’s going on? Little dap. It’s Jared Montz former pro and founder of Today we are learning how to do the scissors in soccer. Football Soccer. If you already know how to do...
Let's bring our hands together and then reach up, stretch up high, rising up out of the hips extended upward. Then bending from the hips, come forward. Drop the arms down. Unlock the neck. Let...
The twist is simply getting the body moving a little more. So we're going to open our legs just a little bit, wider than shoulder width. And concentrating on the hip, we're going to...
I absolutely adore vinyasi yoga. I've been practicing this really fun vinyasa for a couple of years now. Putting it together. Making it more and more exciting. And there are seed poses that we...
So we need to set our foundation for trikonasana, triangle pose. We need to start with the feet, building a strong foundation so that we can build up from there. So once again, we want to create a...
Bridge Pose, Setu Bandhasana. We're going to start Bridge Pose off in a supine position, lying on our back, presented Tadasana. So this is Supta Tadasana with all the same alignments, looking...
Uttanasana forward fold. Forward fold is going to begin to open up the whole back side of your legs, your gluts, your lower back and we're going to start this pose in tadasana so let's...
Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana, three limbed head to knee pose. We're going to start off by extending your right leg into Janu Sirsasana, head to knee pose. Then we're going to...
Upward facing. From reach asana one of the feet is going to come right in front of the sitting bone, that's sort of true of all the reach asana, there's four of them. One leg, the foot...